Murshadak's Chamber

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Dwarven engineer Murshadak of Sardeichs invented a titancraft chamber in 2487 that magically charges Aeolian Vapor, enabling the modulation of its buoyancy. Thus the rate of ascent or descent can be controlled by the operator of the chamber. This great boon to skyfreighters aids them in the ascent and descent between the high Jaggudorns and the Pallathantic Sea.

Murshadak was inspired by the daring of Dak-Haadh Asusa of Tauhad who back-engineered the Titancraft Rotary Panstream Engine.

The Murshadak's Chamber was improved and is now the familiar Meteorisis Chamber and is subsquent improvements, used widely in titancraft skyships of the Pallathantic as a cheaper alternative to the newer and costlier ziffler foil technology.

Murshadak's Chamber was exploited by Thracian inventor Deif Skaivund of Kauspla to create the aerobarge.

See Also