
Ukurgiy is a semi-arid, landlocked land resting between the Massady Geths and the Khamial Geths. Half-orcs and a large orcish minority comprise the population of Ukurgiy. Ukurgiy is nearly half of the Overlordship of Khuridan. The overlord of Khuridan resides in Tschaah Paanz and functions as a vassal of the Orcish Emperor of Jhaadi Zhumzhur. Ukurgiy was formerly subject to the Gorcorumbese Empire until the Treaty of Rhafyx (2586) when it was liberated.
Ukurgiy is not as a dry as the great desert of Danona. The Massady Geth Mountains capture rain from storm fronts that have come from south of the desert. These clouds come during the summer monsoon season. Due to the nature of the desert, the clouds rarely if ever release their rain over central Danona. The Massady Geth Mountains pull some or all of this water from the clouds and as a consequence the northern portion of Ukurgiy blossoms in late summer.
The skyfaring jaibu city of Üzhir Dzahi floats principally over Ukurgiy and enjoys greater autonomy from the authority of Tsaah Paanz than the landborne cities of Khuridan.
A significant minority of the population of Ukurgiy has been Incarnandist since the Isbajutha. Askymos Reclave the Answerer is regarded as the patron saint of northern Ukurgiy. The monastery and chapterhouse of the order he founded rests on the southern slopes of a large valley that joins the greater valley of Ukurgiy.
See Also
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