Aurician Broge

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The Aurician custom of the broge /brɔːʤɛ/ stems from the mid 2600's sometime after the Battle of Kadraskan when noble and gentry families of the city would observe a late evening meal in the summer on the rooftop courtyard away from mosquitoes and the noise of festivities. The custom spread within a few decades to all walks of life in Aurice. The wealthiest may dine on a light meal. The well-enough-off prefer a dessert of cake, pie, sweetbreads, confections, zuftee, mincemeat, cheese, or shellfish, finished off with a glass of wine, brandy, or beer. The humbler make do with a soup of broth and coarse bread or candy when they can get it.

The broge is a time for the household to relate the events of the day in an informal and relaxing setting away from the concerns of business. The broge is enjoyed at 21 o'clock in evening, sometimes an hour earlier and rarely an hour later, depending upon the needs of the family. Young children consider it an indulgence to be allowed to stay up so late for the broge as they are usually in bed at the hour when the adults and young adults of the household can be free from infants and young children. Regular attendance at the broge is a minor rite of passage in the household.

Broging begins sometime in late spring or early summer and continues until Autumn Equinox (Moonkeeper's Day) by custom after which time it is considered poor form to broge and Auricians use all sorts of euphemisms for it after this time, usually referring to it as 'the evening wineglass.' During the short nights of the summer, a good broge can tie one over through a night of festivities, celebrations, and revels.

The word broge itself comes from a Lucacian word for resting or refraining from work to eat.

The Aurician Broge has become a widespread practice throughout the larger cities of Goscundy and some of the other provinces of Lucacia.

See Also