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The drakeling is the domesticated dragon used for many centuries as a beast of war and is essential to traditional dragonmount warfare which is conserved as a heritage practice in southern Pytharnia and some parts of southern Barathorn. Drakeling breeding has waned considerably since the late twenty sixth century as titancraft skycraft have steadily replaced it as the primary choice for aerial combat. Drakelings continue to be prized today by governments with dragonmount divisions and by very wealthy collectors. All drakelings are very dangerous and should only be approached by especially trained individuals or in the express company of such an individual. Full-sized Drakelings are rarely shorter than ten meters (ca 33 ft) from head to end of tail with a corresponding wingspan of 18 meters (ca 60 ft) or broader. Today, drakelings are rarely found outside of their kennels as a protection to the general public. Drakelings are typically exercised in special grounds in their kennels and ridden in flight over waterways or agricultural lands in order to reduce the possibility of encounters with the general public.

The expression 'domesticated dragon' is something of a misconception as the inherently vicious aggression of the beast has not been bred out but is kept at bay by folk magic, magical harnesses, and conditioning. Rather, artificial selection has been used to breed a specimen of winged dragon that is ideally suited to bear a trained rider in war. Drakelings are generally more sinuous than their wild counterparts.


A drakeling is the commonly used term for the domesticated dragon that was introduced to Pytharnia long before the advent of Gwenyan Peoples. Dwarven oral legends recorded in a later period lend support to the notion that the Dragon Folk brought the dragons with them. However, this is not accepted by all scholars and the only widely held consensus is that dragons were introduced over six thousand years ago to Pytharnia either by domestication or importation from an unknown provenance. Draconologers have performed studies based upon vivisection and comparison of observed characteristics which confirm that the domestic dragon and wild dragons originate from a common ancestor well at six thousand years ago. Some studies indicate the creatures may have been subdued and introduced to successive artificial selection as much as fifteen thousand years ago.


There are three historic breeds of drakeling, the Arro, Dreggo, and the Sclade.

See Also