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*[[World of Joturnia]]
*[[World of Joturnia]]
[[Category:Joturnia-Mithgorne System]]
[[Category:Joturnia-Mithgorne System]]
[[Category:Worlds of the Starsea other than Asdar]]
[[Category:Worlds of the Starsea other than Asdar]]

Revision as of 14:12, 19 September 2015

Joturnia-Mithgorne is the name of a system of its two constituent worlds, Joturnia and Mithgorne. They are part of the greater universe in which the World of Asdar exists and are specifically part of the galaxy known as the Starsea Galaxy. Joturnia is a terrestrial world smaller than Asdar and thus smaller than Earth. It is held in a kind of tidal lock with the greater world of Mithgorne which is thought to be composed of mostly water. The distance between the two worlds is fantastically close by real world standards. Joturnia is named after the Arch-Titan Joturn who is thought to have settled the first titans on it. Its axis of rotation points directly through the center of Mithgorne, so that Joturnia's southpole is always facing the great water world. For this reason, the lands at and near the south pole receive much more precipitation than the north pole which is a hot, desert wasteland similar to the Sahara. Some scholars of the world's cosmogony believe that Joturn indeed created Joturnia-Mithgorne or at least placed them locked with each other.

There are twelve moons that orbit these worlds and thus are part of the Joturnia-Mithgorne System. The distance between these worlds is much close than the distance between the real Earth and her moon, Luna. Additionally, a thin atmosphere extends from Joturnia-Mithgorne to fill the space between these worlds. For this reason, fantastical skycraft can reach between them enabling transportation for the wealthy few who can afford such craft and for the Terubian Empire based on Joturnia.


Joturnia is a world somewhere in size between Mars and Earth. Its north pole that always faces directly away from Mithgorne is a scorching hot desert as it faces through the brunt of the day at local sun, Zalawt, which the Joturnia-Mithgorne System orbits. Its north pole continually faces the greater, water world of Mithgorne and for this reason receives less sunlight and receives torrential downpours of snow and rain as moisture rises from the atmosphere of Mithgorne and drenches the lands of the northern hemisphere. The shining world of Mithgorne fills the night sky with the reflected light of the star, Zalawt, which is the local sun, except when the lesser shadow of Joturnia falls upon it and reduces its brilliance. The farther one is situated in the southern hemisphere, towards the south pole, the less and less one can see of the world of Mithgorne, perhaps catching a glimpse of its great size on the horizon. At the south pole, it is impossible to see the companion world. While near or on the north pole in the northern hemisphere, the day is divided in half by the world of Joturnia itself, making 'mid-day' a darkness nearly equal to night, except for the brilliance of Mithgorne. During the true night, Mithgorne is between Joturnia and the sun, so neither the sun, nor the sun-facing side of Mithgorne is visible.

See Also