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Mithgorne is the fourth planet from the sun Zalawt. It is an enormous water-world, many times the volume of its companion world, Joturnia. The two worlds are binary planets orbiting a common barycenter that is probably on or near the surface of Mithgorne, called the Joturnia-Mithgorne System. A peculiar quality of the system is that the two worlds share the same axis, that is, the north pole of Joturnia points directly to the south pole of Mithgorne. Mithgorne appears as an immense body, dominating the skies of the northern hemisphere of Joturnia. An intra-planetary column of water stretches between the two worlds that appears as a shimmering arm. The inhabitants of Joturnia call this 'Gluke's Bridge' named after the god Gluke which they believe governs it. Several moons orbit Joturnia-Mithgorne, called the Luminary Worlds of Joturnia.

Many inhabitants of Joturnia conceive of Mithgorne as a divinity in its own right.

See Also