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Rhio, son of Amrulon and Eriu, is lord of the vintage and younger brother to Arathrax. His worship extends to those who attain altered states of consciousness through drink or drugs. His detractors say that he colludes with the Gods of Chaos, while his proponents insist Rhio reveals higher states of knowledge to devotees who come into his power. According to legend, the gods of Chaos (Communions) kidnapped Rhio as a lad and he was only rescued by aid of his older brother, Arathrax. Rhio is one of the solar deities in the Isxinthion pantheon. Most cultures acknowledge Amrulon and Eriu as his parents.

Rhio is lord and master of the Rhionian Mysteries. Rhio is lord of the fiery, transformative power of wine. The account of his abduction, detention, and rescue by Arathrax is told in verse by the Ithatian poet, Choronaxipos of Teliasper, in the Metamorphosis of Rhio.

In Moigthe, Medibgóëse, and Thracian art, Rhio is depicted with long, red locks of hair.

The celebrations and festivals of Rhio are among the most rowdy and favored of the people. Rhio enjoins mortals to live life with vigor and zest.

Rhio was the patron god of the Ithatian colony in ancient Kalama called Estyo Rhe (cf. Babirrhoksha).

Rhio is also the patron god of the ancient Medibgösk as the father of their forebear, Meidb.

In the Late Yophenthean Empire, the god Errignomon was an alternative manifestation of Rhio. Errignomon was a god of holy, transformative fire.

A depiction of the God of Wine. Midjourney.

Depictions in Art

In Medibgösk Art, Rhio (cf. Rhewlla) is a founder god regarded as the father of the eponymous ancestress, Meidb. Rhio is depicted with red hair and red beard, bearing a golden rod, and wearing a golden tiara ornamented with golden grapes. He wears a golden robe and a golden belt. He is depicted with his divine beast, Giüffgami, a Pytharnian Spotted Lion.


Rhionacus, Rhaal, Rhion, Errignomon, Rhiallion


See Also