The Saikusahi are an ethnic group of humans indigenous to eastern Asdauria. They have dwelt for nearly the past three millennia on the sky-blotting skyness known as Gakasane. Unlike Medibgóëse Skynesses which orbit a central axis, Gakasane rests in same position in relationship to the earth over the great Sea of Sleeping Gods.
Saikusahi Settlement of Gakasane
The Saikusahi lived in the Sargana Steppe about three thousand years ago when they adopted skycraft around the time of Salmakhamer. Over the years of the second and third centuries AI, they use skycraft to land on the great disk of Gakasane and settle there. They gradually defeated the Oni and other fierce creatures who lived on the disk. They discovered crumbling palaces of stone that were built for a people of great stature. In time, the Saikusahi chieftains ruled much and finally all of Gakasane. Today Gakasane is ruled under the power of an Empire.
See Also
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