Tlemendigus of Agdaire

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Tlemendigus of Agdaire betook himself to prayer and meditation many times a day before he became a missionary. Midjourney v6, 2024.

Incarnandist Saint b 916, d 962, ~46. Incarnandist Saint

Tlemendigus of Agdaire was known for his devotion to prayers and meditation. He was converted as a young man in Agdaire by local missionaries. Tlemendigus betook himself to prayer and meditation many times a day. With the encouragement of his local basilica, he set off on a mission to western Lucacia in his twenties. He was nearly slain several times, but gave credit to the Incarnandus for his deliverance from death. Upon his return, he again devoted himself to prayers and meditation. He then set off again on a mission to Agogia where he was again nearly slain. He returned again to Aghudra (Agdaire) where he became a prominent leader of the Incarnandist Ascetics, teaching others through his thirties and early forties. At around the age of 43, he left for what would be his last missionary voyage to Zamzafara where he slain by chaos cultists. He was using his energist powers to protect new converts in Zamzarafa from chaos cultists and died so doing. His martyrdom is well documented by Zamzafaran Incarnandists of the eleventh century.

See Also