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Zamzafara is the capital and greatest city of the Sultanate of Azzabboon. It rests near the mouth of the Thybdis River and the Delta of the Thybdis River on the eastern shore of the Memnosian Sea. The city's population in 2745 is estimated at 645,000 inhabitants. Zamzafara is a busy port city that dominates trade between the Memnosian Sea and the mighty Thybdis River which is the largest river in Eloaria and western Asdauria, apart from the Shadevan River. Zamzafara historically competed with Aurice for control of trade and access to the far East. The Great Silk Highway typically began in Zamzafara and lead through Asdauria to Gwo-Dao.

Great Silk Highway

As the western terminus of the Great Silk Highway, Zamzafara has become an entrepôt with merchants from all over Asdauria. Today, there is still a large foreign presence of merchant companies that either use the Great Silk Highway to Gwo Dao and Sungo or have business with such merchants. From Zamzafara, seaships and sky vessels bear wares and freight through the Greater Pallathantic Region. Historically, Zamzafara competed with Aurice and still does today. Aurice controls much of its Asdaurian hinterland, while the Sultanate of Azzabboon has direct access to the greater navigable river in the region but doesn't control the various tribes en route to the east.

See Also