History of Pytharnia

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The History of Pytharnia is an immense topic and this article can only serve to give the broadest outline.


  • 3050 AS to 1900: Proto-Moigthe emigrate from Erserce into Ambrulia, some by land, but most by sea, ca. 3,050 AS to 1,900 AS, displacing the native giants and trolls. Erserce has become over-populated for a pastoral, semi-nomadic civilization and also ravaged by wars (Arisparikohos). Migrations into Ambrulia occur in three waves, roughly 3,100 AS, 2,300 AS, and 1,900 AS.
  • 1450 AS to 950 AS: Proto-Moigthe, push in great exodus into eastern Pytharnia, under pressure from Ambrulian Proto-Moigthe Tribes, who are in turn under pressure from uhlaks, pressing to the west, ca. 1,450 AS to 950 AS.
  • 1000 AS: At this point, ca 1,000 AS, historians regard them as the Moigthe. They continue to migrate westwards across southern Pytharnia, 950 AS to 100 AS.

Human Bronze Age of Pytharnia

This list excludes dwarves and to some extent the Neptultchi who had the use of iron and witchsilver from an early time.

  • CHALCOLITHIC (Copper Age): 5000 AS to 4200 AS
  • EARLY BRONZE: 4200 AS to 3500 AS
  • MIDDLE BRONZE: 3500 AS to 2100 AS
  • LATE BRONZE: 2100 to 1900 AS
  • IRON AGE: 1900 AS to 200 AS


Before Salmakhamer

Primary Source Primary Sources

Dwarven King Lists of Tauhad, traditional

Secondary Source Secondary Sources

Neptultchi Origins in Dragonmount Cant and Esoteric Magecraft, Arrham Taspänuk, 2642
Yague’s Chronology, 683

Ancient Times (Salmakhamer to 1000)

Primary Source Primary Sources

Concerning Warfare Among the Pytharnians, Shibziadáin ishbiz Bakhuilub, 1011
Moyan War (Book), Memerth

Secondary Source Secondary Sources

Relics of Airdairg, Taliasich Glalla-Bawriagch, 2419
Witch-Kings of High Pytharnia, Taliasich Glalla-Bawriagch, 2429

Middle Ages (ca 1000 to ca 2400)

Primary Source Primary Sources

Asbard Book of Manic Devotions, 1900's
Medibgösk Book of Manic Devotions, 1900's
Pytharnian Book of Manic Devotions, 1900's
Sword of the Maiden of Zephas, Irchoram of Asberdon, 2540's

Secondary Source Secondary Sources

Account of Early Gonfalese Settlement, An, 2632
Dragon Folk of High Pytharnia, 2592
Five Lives of the Princes of Chaos, Amric Ethuve, 2579
From Archmagedom to Arch-Duchy: A History of Asbardy, 2703
Middle-Ages of Pytharnia: From the Fall of Yophénthea to the Isbajutha (Book), Sihaoirn dalwe Ithravaine Tamba-Sluaidh, 2600's
Tales of Old Pytharny, Aliskémon Tharstros, 2555
Tales of the Haunted Hills of Amosgire, 2520's
Temples and Treasures of Neptultchi Pytharnia, 2518
Witch and the Tisbajiya: The Second Battle of the Archmage, 2687

Modern Times (ca 2400 to Present)

Primary Source Primary Sources

Acts of the General Congress of Bryndyd, 2587
Constitutions of the Empire, 2300's to present
Decree of the Annexation of the Shadevan Provinces (2589), Stalcast Bijäl, 2589
Eradication of Chaos Cults in Imperial Law, 2369
Proceedings of the Popular Revolutionary Council, 2756+

Secondary Source Secondary Sources

Anti-Printing Press Statutes and the Accord of the Princes of Law, 2619
Aurician Military Engagements of the Sewdhaine War, 2703
Battle of Pytharnia One Hundred Years Later, Ontairgain dalg Mehailgean, 2674
Costumes of the Magdalan Court in the Twenty Seventh Century, 2308
Early Air Battles of the Titancraft Age, 2658
Golden Age of Dragonmount Warfare in Pytharnia and Barathorn, 2683
Journal of the Archivists of Imperial Trevirs, 2613 to present
Noble Families of High Pytharnia, 2711
Saturnine Fever: Symptoms and Treatments, 2678
Secrets of Dwarven Dragonrail in Pytharnia, 2728
Siege of Bryndyd (Book), 2609
Story of the Sewdhaine War, 2693
Trollscrift of High Agogia, 2703
Vankkagomirian Empire (Book), 2649
Purple Dragons of Magdala (Book), Sicha dalwe Bisa Firraharre, 2683

See Also