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;List of Incarnandist Saints
[[File:Louis-AnselmeLonga+Portraitsalgériens+1842+PublicDomain.jpg|thumb|300px|Incarnandist Saints]]
*Arathracia of Kellaneiho
This list is incomplete. There are well over three thousand acknowledged Incarnandist Saints.
*Ardomir the Throeslayer
*Askymos Reclave the Answerer [Order] [Map: Violet] Askymic
{| border="0" style="border: 1px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF; valign:center" class="wikitable sortable"
*Azephassine the Pious
*Bargobute the Triumphant
!width="120"|Life Span
*Beligune the Indefatigable
!width="100"|Place of Birth
*Brayand, Arch-Apostle
*Brognasso the Faithful
*Cahonir the Divine
|'''A'''|||| align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
*Clasgune the Pensive
|[[Arathracia of Kellaneiho]]||♀||align="center"|2516 to 2562|| ||align="center"|--||
*Deelah, Arch-Apostle
*Dewalin (Pytharnian, Catacombs of St. Dewalin)
|[[Ardomir the Throeslayer]]||♂||align="center"|2258 to 2302|| ||align="center"|--||
*Eiskalas the Strong
|[[Askymos Reclave]] the Answerer||♂||align="center"|2217 to 2267|| ||align="center"|[[Askymic Order]]||
*Eclune the Poor [Order] [Map: Pale Amethyst] Ecluniac
|[[Azephassine the Pious]]||♀||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
*Enosh Ranockus, Disciple Apostle
|'''B'''|||| align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
*Feagal the Wise
*[[Friadora of Mercy]] (successor to Melíbdë)
|[[Bargobute the Triumphant]]||♂||align="center"|2257 to 2303||[[Baihorn]]||align="center"|--||
*Gerrick, Arch-Apostle
|[[Beligune the Indefatigable]]|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
*[[Gidhoniel kab S'ephah]]
*Githair of Kasguffy
|[[Brayand]]||♂||align="center"|794 to 836|| ||align="center"|--||Archapostle
|[[Brognasso the Faithful]]||♂||align="center"|2216 to 2243|| ||align="center"|--||Lucacian
*[[Inakhah the Militant]]
*Iphimba of Aurice (ca. time of Ulcanov, see [[Gourd of Summons]])
|'''C'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
*Ismathal (Weshifite)
|[[Cahonir the Divine]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
*Jemirune (Shelekhumbite)
|[[Clasgune the Pensive]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
*Jerob the Benevolent
|'''D'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
*Kerimond [Order] [Map: ] Kerimondite
|[[Deelah]]||♀||align="center"|790 to 831|| ||align="center"|--||[[Arch-apostle]], patron saint of Incarnandists in Xsys
*Melíbdë the Barren [Order] [Map:Brown] Melibdean
|[[Dewalin]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||(Pytharnian, Catacombs of St. Dewalin)
*Midrettine of the Woods [Order] [Map: Green] Midrettinite
*Midrigius the Valiant
|'''E'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
*Mitalos of Bardi [Order] [Map: Yellow] Mitalian
|[[Eiskalas the Strong]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
*[[Olmima Olima]] [Order] [Map: Blue] Olmiman
|[[Eclune of Ophia]]||♂||align="center"|2119 to 2171|| ||align="center"|[[Egluniac Order]]||Pale Amethyst
*[[Pytharnicus the Wanderer]]
|[[Emhard]]||♂||align="center"|962 to 1093|| ||align="center"|--||Gonfalese Saint
*Quiernus [Order] [Map: Red] Quiernite
|[[Enosh Ranockus]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||Disciple Apostle
*Rhamrhoth, Arch-Apostle
|'''F'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
*Rhionantis the Seer [Order] [Map: Black] Rhionantine
*Rhionharp Brightkin, Disciple Apostle to Enosh
|[[Feagal the Wise]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
*Sarredine [Order] [Map: White] Sarredinite
|[[Friadora of Mercy]]||♀||align="center"|2513 to 2587|| ||align="center"|--|| (successor to Melíbdë), member of Melibdean Order
*Shadirya of Zephas
*Shammukh of Giryatha, Disciple Apostle to Thyssa
|'''G'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
*Shannadh, Arch-Apostle
*Shaqtirah, kath Katima
|[[Gerrick]]||♂||align="center"|801 to 834|| ||align="center"|--|| [[Arch-apostle]], Incarnandist patron saint of Thrace
|[[Gidhoniel kab S'ephah]]||♂||align="center"|2247 to 2326|| ||align="center"|--||Slayer of the [[Dark Prince]] during the [[Fifth Isbajath]]
*Thaulephus of Irdan, Arch-Apostle
*Thulidnosius of Johaulia
|[[Githair of Kasguffy]]||♂||align="center"|2107 to 2141|| ||align="center"|--||Saint Githair the Prescient; Pytharnian-Magdalan Saint
*Thyssa, Arch-Apostle
*Tlemendigus of Agdaire
|[[Gryvant the Blue]]||♀||align="center"|1317 to 1384|| ||align="center"|--||Dewyddairsh Saint, Early Missionary to [[Barathorn]]
*Treel of Zamphis [Order] [Map: Teal] Trelevite
|'''H'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|'''I'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Inakhah the Militant]]||♂||align="center"|2557 to 2614|| ||align="center"|[[Inakhite Order]]||Founder of Order
|[[Iphimba of Aurice]]||♀||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||(ca. time of Ulcanov, see [[Gourd of Summons]])
|[[Ishasal of Johaulia]]||♂||align="center"|ca 820|| ||align="center"| ||Vimalian Saint. converted by Saint Brayand in Elystrio, lived in Johaulia, martyred in Johaulia
|[[Ismathal of Ziddim]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--|| (Weshifite)
|[[Istalina]]||♀||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
|[[Ithiraz' of Ophel]]||♀||align="center"|2282 to 2352|| ||align="center"|[[Ithiraz'ite Order]]||She founded the Ithiraz'ite Order, protected life of [[Incarnandina]] [[Shadirya kath She'eseleth]]
|'''J'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Jakthavupta the Whetstone]]||♂||align="center"|1862 to 1916||[[Johaulia]] ([[Jakthasamsaphi)]]||align="center"|[[Jakthavuptan Order]]||Vimalian Saint, Founder of Jakthavuptan Order (Paimbalist), 1899
|[[Jemirune]]|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||(Shelekhumbite)
|[[Jephesul keb Inumá]]||♂||align="center"|flourished 1385 to 1405|| ||align="center"|--||
|[[Jerob the Benevolent]]||♂||align="center"|ca 1120|| ||align="center"|--||(namesake of the city of St. Jerobs, [[Gonfaloy]])
|'''K'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Ke'adhoniya of Zanqir]]||♀||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||Hermetic saint of the mid 2200's who wandered the Zanqir wastes, powerful psychist
|[[Kerimond the Disciple]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|[[Kerimondite Order]]||Pytharnian Founder of  Kerimondite Order
|'''L'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Lufern]]||♂||align="center"|~1900's|| ||align="center"|--||Lucacian Saint
|'''M'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Melíbdë the Barren]]||♀||align="center"|2497 to 2560|| ||align="center"|[[Melíbdean Order]]||Founder of Melíbdean Order
|[[Midrettine of the Woods]]||♀||align="center"|1742 to 1809|| ||align="center"|[[Midrettinite Order]]||Founder of Midrettinite Order (Map: Green)
|[[Midrigius the Valiant]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
|[[Mitalos of Bardi]]||♂||align="center"|2371 to 2434|| ||align="center"|[[Mitalian Order]]||Founder of Mitalian Order [Map: Yellow]
|'''N'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|'''O'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Olmima Olima]]||♀||align="center"|2243 to 2315|| ||align="center"|[[Olmiman Order]]||Founder of Olmiman Order, Aurician [Map: Blue]
|'''P'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Parkyonius (Incarnandist Saint)]]||♂||align="center"|765 to 802|| ||align="center"|--||Missionary to Sungo, Martyred, Patron Saint of Sungo
|[[Pytharnicus the Wanderer]]||♂||align="center"|2063 to 2098|| ||align="center"|--||
|'''Q'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Quiernus]]||♀||align="center"|1284 to 1356|| ||align="center"|[[Quiernite Order]]||Founder of the Quiernite Order [Map: Red]
|'''R'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Rhamrhoth]]||♂||align="center"|807 to 840|| ||align="center"|--|| Arch-Apostle, Incarnandist patron saint of Erechóreb
|[[Rhionantis the Seer]]||♂||align="center"|2318 to 2396|| ||align="center"|[[Rhionantine Order]]||Founder of Rhionantine Order [Map: Black]
|[[Rhionharp Brightkin]]||♂||align="center"|ca 800's/900's|| ||align="center"|--||Disciple Apostle to Enosh
|'''S'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Sarredine of Ganter]]||♀||align="center"|2385 to 2441|| ||align="center"|[[Sarredinite Order]]|| Founder of Sarredinite Order, [Map: White]
|[[Shadirya of Zephas]]||♀||align="center"|2271 to 2321|| ||align="center"|--||Heroine of [[Seventh Isbajath]], slayer of Archmage Bexaloth, 2302
|[[Shammukh of Giryath]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||Disciple Apostle to Thyssa
|[[Shannadh]]||♂||align="center"|775 to 853|| ||align="center"|--||[[Arch-Apostle]], Incarnandist Patron Saint of Thrysto
|[[Shaqtirah kath Katima]]||♀||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||Founder of the Incarnandist Religion, first known Incarnandina, 'Grandmother of the Grandmothers of God'
|[[Shona]]||♀||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
|'''T'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Taphithiyah the Penitent]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||Shadevan Delta, pre-Isbajutha
|[[Thaulephus of Irdan]]||♀||align="center"|793 to 837|| ||align="center"|--||[[Arch-Apostle]], Incarnandist Patron Saint of Amerzcelindo
|[[Thulidnosius of Johaulia]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
|[[Thyssa]]||♀||align="center"|799 to 849|| ||align="center"|--||[[Arch-Apostle]], Patron Saint of Zephasia
|[[Tlemendigus of Agdaire]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
|[[Treel of Zamphis]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"|[[Trelevite Order]]||[Order] [Map: Teal] Trelevite
|[[ ]]|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"|--||
|'''U'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|'''V'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|'''W'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|'''X'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|'''Y'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
|[[Ynvic]]||♂||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||Lucacian Saint
|'''Z'''|| ||align="center"| || ||align="center"| ||
=See Also=
=See Also=
*[[List of Incarnandinas]]
*[[List of Incarnandist Orders]]
*[[Seven Archapostles of Incarnandism]]
[[Category:Religions of Asdar]]
[[Category:Religions of Asdar]]

Revision as of 03:35, 11 November 2024

Incarnandist Saints

This list is incomplete. There are well over three thousand acknowledged Incarnandist Saints.

Name Gender Life Span Place of Birth Order Remark
Arathracia of Kellaneiho 2516 to 2562 --
Ardomir the Throeslayer 2258 to 2302 --
Askymos Reclave the Answerer 2217 to 2267 Askymic Order
Azephassine the Pious --
Bargobute the Triumphant 2257 to 2303 Baihorn --
Beligune the Indefatigable --
Brayand 794 to 836 -- Archapostle
Brognasso the Faithful 2216 to 2243 -- Lucacian
Cahonir the Divine --
Clasgune the Pensive --
Deelah 790 to 831 -- Arch-apostle, patron saint of Incarnandists in Xsys
Dewalin -- (Pytharnian, Catacombs of St. Dewalin)
Eiskalas the Strong --
Eclune of Ophia 2119 to 2171 Egluniac Order Pale Amethyst
Emhard 962 to 1093 -- Gonfalese Saint
Enosh Ranockus -- Disciple Apostle
Feagal the Wise --
Friadora of Mercy 2513 to 2587 -- (successor to Melíbdë), member of Melibdean Order
Gerrick 801 to 834 -- Arch-apostle, Incarnandist patron saint of Thrace
Gidhoniel kab S'ephah 2247 to 2326 -- Slayer of the Dark Prince during the Fifth Isbajath
Githair of Kasguffy 2107 to 2141 -- Saint Githair the Prescient; Pytharnian-Magdalan Saint
Gryvant the Blue 1317 to 1384 -- Dewyddairsh Saint, Early Missionary to Barathorn
Inakhah the Militant 2557 to 2614 Inakhite Order Founder of Order
Iphimba of Aurice -- (ca. time of Ulcanov, see Gourd of Summons)
Ishasal of Johaulia ca 820 Vimalian Saint. converted by Saint Brayand in Elystrio, lived in Johaulia, martyred in Johaulia
Ismathal of Ziddim -- (Weshifite)
Istalina --
Ithiraz' of Ophel 2282 to 2352 Ithiraz'ite Order She founded the Ithiraz'ite Order, protected life of Incarnandina Shadirya kath She'eseleth
Jakthavupta the Whetstone 1862 to 1916 Johaulia (Jakthasamsaphi) Jakthavuptan Order Vimalian Saint, Founder of Jakthavuptan Order (Paimbalist), 1899
Jemirune -- (Shelekhumbite)
Jephesul keb Inumá flourished 1385 to 1405 --
Jerob the Benevolent ca 1120 -- (namesake of the city of St. Jerobs, Gonfaloy)
Ke'adhoniya of Zanqir -- Hermetic saint of the mid 2200's who wandered the Zanqir wastes, powerful psychist
Kerimond the Disciple Kerimondite Order Pytharnian Founder of Kerimondite Order
Lufern ~1900's -- Lucacian Saint
Melíbdë the Barren 2497 to 2560 Melíbdean Order Founder of Melíbdean Order
Midrettine of the Woods 1742 to 1809 Midrettinite Order Founder of Midrettinite Order (Map: Green)
Midrigius the Valiant --
Mitalos of Bardi 2371 to 2434 Mitalian Order Founder of Mitalian Order [Map: Yellow]
Olmima Olima 2243 to 2315 Olmiman Order Founder of Olmiman Order, Aurician [Map: Blue]
Parkyonius (Incarnandist Saint) 765 to 802 -- Missionary to Sungo, Martyred, Patron Saint of Sungo
Pytharnicus the Wanderer 2063 to 2098 --
Quiernus 1284 to 1356 Quiernite Order Founder of the Quiernite Order [Map: Red]
Rhamrhoth 807 to 840 -- Arch-Apostle, Incarnandist patron saint of Erechóreb
Rhionantis the Seer 2318 to 2396 Rhionantine Order Founder of Rhionantine Order [Map: Black]
Rhionharp Brightkin ca 800's/900's -- Disciple Apostle to Enosh
Sarredine of Ganter 2385 to 2441 Sarredinite Order Founder of Sarredinite Order, [Map: White]
Shadirya of Zephas 2271 to 2321 -- Heroine of Seventh Isbajath, slayer of Archmage Bexaloth, 2302
Shammukh of Giryath -- Disciple Apostle to Thyssa
Shannadh 775 to 853 -- Arch-Apostle, Incarnandist Patron Saint of Thrysto
Shaqtirah kath Katima -- Founder of the Incarnandist Religion, first known Incarnandina, 'Grandmother of the Grandmothers of God'
Shona --
Taphithiyah the Penitent -- Shadevan Delta, pre-Isbajutha
Thaulephus of Irdan 793 to 837 -- Arch-Apostle, Incarnandist Patron Saint of Amerzcelindo
Thulidnosius of Johaulia --
Thyssa 799 to 849 -- Arch-Apostle, Patron Saint of Zephasia
Tlemendigus of Agdaire --
Treel of Zamphis Trelevite Order [Order] [Map: Teal] Trelevite
[[ ]] --
Ynvic Lucacian Saint


See Also