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* Did you know that the [[Temple of Amrulon Sun God (Amyrn)|Temple of Amrulon Sun God in Amyrn]] is one of the largest houses dedicated to the [[Isxinthion]] [[Sun God]], built on an ancient [[Kemerite]] site dating back over seven millennia ago?
* Did you know that the [[Temple of Amrulon Sun God (Amyrn)|Temple of Amrulon Sun God in Amyrn]] is one of the largest houses dedicated to the [[Isxinthion]] [[Sun God]], built on an ancient [[Kemerite]] site dating back over seven millennia ago?
* Did you know that the [[Aitiaobh]] were a tribe of [[Geddamin|Common Giants]] who were anciently driven into the [[Disdrire Forest]] by the Neptultchi?  
* Did you know that the [[Aitiaobh]] were a tribe of [[Geddamin|Common Giants]] who were anciently driven into the [[Disdrire Forest]] by the [[Neptultchi]]?  
* Did you know that the doctrine of [[reincarnation]] is rejected by the [[Arathracianism|Arathracian Religion]], but accepted by the [[Incarnandism|Incarnandist Religion]]?
* Did you know that the doctrine of [[reincarnation]] is rejected by the [[Arathracianism|Arathracian Religion]], but accepted by the [[Incarnandism|Incarnandist Religion]]?

Revision as of 23:00, 23 June 2016

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The Encyclopedia of the World of Asdar by Kraig Hausmann
2,361 articles

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Major Campaigns in the Memnosian Theater

The last of the Geddamin Wars, the Fifth Geddamin War last from 2582 to 2586. It marked the end of Gorcorumbese aspirations to retain and expand their great empire. Allied humans captured titancraft vessels from Geddamin and as a consequence began the development of titancraft technology. Due the outcome of the Great Sky War, Gorcorumb lost its greatest ally with the defeat and reduction of the New Kalikán Empire. As Aurice was no longer subject to Gorcorumb's former ally, the Gorcorumbese Giants waged war a new offensive against the east, hoping to defeat the newly arisen Aurician Empire of House Bijäl. The Fifth Geddamin War arose soon after the truce that ended the Fourth Geddamin War. The Aurician Empire and her allies defeated the Gorcorumbese and commenced a period of military, political, and cultural magnificence.

Gorcorumb's aspirations were greatly to perish. Gorcorumbese Empire lost all extra-Danonan Territory, except Desthor, and the Gorcorumbese Empire waned steadily after this war. Mainland Corundy was liberated with the aid of Aurice under the leadership of the powerful Grand Duke Stalcast Bijäl. This help from Aurice enhanced Aurice's reputation. Nations and Tribes of northwest Weshif had a general revolt and Gorcorumb was not able to recover them. Aurice did not retain or occupy Corundy after the war, unlike her dominion of the two provinces of Zamir. Aurice gained much prestige and political clout and her acquisition of titancraft technology began the transformation of her military engine into an imperial force with repercussions for her overseas colonies and for her domination of western Asdauria in the 27th century. (Full Article...)

Did you know...

  • Did you know that Orkybanthius of Zander, a cosmologer of the fourth century developed a theory to explain and account for the existence of giants?
  • Did you know that the mythical Asurrhá are said to be the truly rare offspring of the union of an Isxinthion god and an Elamahti?

Featured Pictures

Photograph of the Leh-Shelekhumbis River flowing through the Canyon of the Shedu in the southwestern Adamantine Mountains

Leh-Shelekhumbis River The river passes through the evocative Canyon of the Shedu shortly before it descends from the Adamantine Mountains into the Susurrant Desert. The small settlement of Kishkelumadh, the site of an important Hamagnostic monastery, rests to the north of the river. Important sites along the river include Ori, Shakhrilim, Gegdolissi, Tandhigumi, Makhutolib, Elántuventh, and Lumajat. (Full Article...)

The obelisk-shaped monument known as a Jahmat is found in the thick jungles of Bahuna


Also known as the pyramids of Zephasia, the Jahmat are mysterious and colossal structures thought to have been created by the very ancient Titans who dwelt in Zephasia some twenty five thousand years ago or more. The word 'jahmat' is a Zephasian word and is both singular and plural in common usage. (Full Article...)

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Featured List

Even the history of humanlikes is vast and cannot be accounted by the life of a mortal human. The Ages of Asdar list divides the past twenty thousand or so years into generally accepted divisions of history and prehistory. These periods focus on the history of the West. (See Full Article...)

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