Quiernite Order

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The Quiernite Order is the only order officially charged by the Incarnandist General Congregation with the mission of tracking the lineage of the Incarnandina by the principle of filiastic ultimogeniture. The order provides all pertinent details to the general congregation who then certifies each Incarnandina. Saint Quiernus had devoutly kept and compiled records of the lineage of the Incarnandina. He made personal vows of celibacy. The elders of the congregation learned of his work and eventually charged him with creating the order that today is known by his name.

Today the Quiernite monks observe and record the lineage not only of the direct Incarnandinas but also of any relatives to whom the role of Incarnandina could devolve should the line of the Incarnandina by broken.

In 1317 AI, Quiernus established the Order at the Refuge of the Last Holy Mother in Jerushabla which was the first such monastery of the order.

The chapterhouse of the order today is the Eremetic Refuge of the Holy Pinnacle in Oliblish.

Saint Quiernus

b 1284, Tihaz, Jerushabla; d 1356, Refuge of the Last Holy Mother, Jerushabla. He was an Incarnandist missionary to Zephasia and he survived an attempt on his life while in Zephasia. He began the order of the Quiernite Monks in 1317 in Jerushabla who trace the lineage of the Incarnandinas. Since this detailed prosopography involves much research, an order of monks is necessary. Any line of the Incarnandina could die without producing a female heir — thus the line of the Incarnandina would revert to any earlier suitable heiress.

Quiernus was descended from Yophenthean stock and his birth language was Ambrinquan. He learned Khahonri, Classical Yophenthean, and Ebinóëse. His mother was Incarnandist and his father of the Old Religion.

Mission of Identifying the Incarnandus

The primary but often overlooked mission of the Quiernite Order is to identify the true Incarnandus. The Quiernites have carefully collected, studied, and vetted all possible prophecies that tell of signs to be given before, during, and after the birth of the Incarnandus. Although they have never reported the birth of the Incarnandus in the past fourteen centuries, the Quiernites look forward to the day that they can truly announce the coming of the Incarnandus to the Incarnandist Congregation. The master of their order or someone sent in his place nearly always attends the great annual meeting of the General Incarnandist Congregation in Oliblish. The speaker of the Congregation asks him to report concerning the Incarnandus and he has reported for the past fourteen centuries, "In the past year, the Quiernite Order has not found cause to suppose the birth of the prophesied Incarnandus."

Tensions with Ithiraz'ite Sisters

In the past century or more (ca 2600 to 2745), tensions between the Ithiraz'ite Order and the Quiernites has become somewhat awkward and even embarrassing to the Holy Family. The General Congregation has issued censures to both orders at least twice. Both orders necessarily require access on a daily or nearly daily basis to the Holy Family. The Quiernites consider their mission much more important and essential to Incarnandism. The Ithiraz'ites in turn believe the Quiernites interfere with their security mission and sometimes endanger the safety of the Incarnandina and the Holy Family.

List of Quiernite Monasteries

Eremetic Refuge of the Holy Pinnacle, Chapterhouse, Oliblish
Refuge of the Last Holy Mother, Jerushabla, first monastery of the Quiernite Order
Refuge of Holy Enlightenment, Viscounty of Kwantigordolia, Empire of Magdala
Monastery of Saint Quiernus the Devout Scribe, Zanzary Coast
Refuge of Incarnandic Grace, northwestern Weshif
Refuge of Saint Quiernus the Supplicant, Amerzcelindo
Monastery of Quo Nefandus, abandoned, Shadevan Delta

See Also