List of Incarnandist Saints

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Incarnandist Saints
Name Life Span Place of Birth Order Remark
Arathracia of Kellaneiho 2516 to 2562 --
Ardomir the Throeslayer 2258 to 2302 --
Askymos Reclave the Answerer 2217 to 2267 Askymic Order
Azephassine the Pious --
Bargobute the Triumphant 2257 to 2303 Baihorn --
Beligune the Indefatigable --
Brayand --
Brognasso the Faithful 2216 to 2243 --
Cahonir the Divine --
Clasgune the Pensive --
Deelah -- Arch-apostle, patron saint of Incarnandists in Xsys
Dewalin -- (Pytharnian, Catacombs of St. Dewalin)
Eiskalas the Strong --
Eclune of Ophia 2119s to 2171 Egluniac Order Pale Amethyst
Emhard --
Enosh Ranockus -- Disciple Apostle
Feagal the Wise --
Friadora of Mercy -- (successor to Melíbdë)
Gerrick -- Arch-apostle, Incarnandist patron saint of Thrace
Gidhoniel kab S'ephah --
Githair of Kasguffy --
Inakhah the Militant Inakhite Order Founder of Order
Iphimba of Aurice -- (ca. time of Ulcanov, see Gourd of Summons)
Ismathal of Ziddim -- (Weshifite)
Istalina --
Ithiraz' 2282 to 2352 Ithiraz'ite Order She founded the Ithiraz'ite Order, protected life of Incarnandina Shadirya kath She'eseleth
Jemirune -- (Shelekhumbite)
Jephesul keb Inumá --
Jerob the Benevolent ca 1120 -- (namesake of the city of St. Jerobs, Gonfaloy)
Kerimond the Disciple Kerimondite Order Pytharnian Founder of Kerimondite Order
Lufern ~1900's -- Throvian Saint
Melíbdë the Barren Melíbdean Order Founder of Melíbdean Order
Midrettine of the Woods Midrettinite Order Founder of Midrettinite Order (Map: Green)
Midrigius the Valiant --
Mitalos of Bardi Mitalian Order Founder of Mitalian Order [Map: Yellow]
Olmima Olima 2243 to 2315 Olmiman Order Founder of Olmiman Order, Aurician [Map: Blue]
Parkyonius (Incarnandist Saint) --
Pytharnicus the Wanderer --
Quiernus 1284 to 1356 Quiernite Order Founder of the Quiernite Order [Map: Red]
Rhamrhoth 757 to 790 -- Arch-Apostle, Incarnandist patron saint of Erechóreb
Rhionantis the Seer 2318 to 2396 Rhionantine Order Founder of Rhionantine Order [Map: Black]
Rhionharp Brightkin ca 800's/900's -- Disciple Apostle to Enosh
[[ ]] --
List of Incarnandist Saints

See Also