Interpretatio Isxinthiona

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Diagram of four quadrants of Isxinthion Gods

The Interpretatio Isxinthiona is the doctrine that the gods exist everywhere but in different manifestations. The great philosophers saw the gods as manifestations of an infinite consciousness expressed according to the needs and prayers of the particular civilization. They were beyond mortal comprehension in their purest forms and thus could manifest in any manner appropriate to believer. Gods were seen as higher gods — divinities who dwelt or could dwell if they so chose, in the realm of Isxinthios, and lower gods — divinities of the natural forces of the earth who were beyond simple mortality but were bound by the forces of nature to the sphere of the earth.


Trinities of cooperative gods expressing parts of the same transcendental energy are frequent. Amrulon, Eriu, Parkia are regarded as the ruling trinity of the gods of sun and sky. Magdaia in her two manifestations as goddess of earth and goddess of sea is seen as a single goddess with two integrated roles. She combines with Eshik, god of the sea, and Knohm, god of the earth, to form a sacred trinity of the gods of earth and sea.


This table captures some of most widespread adaptations of the Isxinthion Gods. The same god can exist with a slightly or very different portfolio in another culture or the god can be virtually the same. The god Azephassus plays the role of the storm god in Ithatian Civilization, but his Sky manifestation, Thwar, is viewed as the Sky Father in Thracian Civilization.

Isxinthiona Interpretatio Gods of Isxinthion Pantheon
Common Name Midretassene Ithatian Moigthe Medibgösk Sky (Thracian-Colnorian) Asdaurian Barathorn New Isxinthion Mystery Parentage
Amrulon Amurron Heliops Ari Am Ambras x x x Astral Amrulon COSMOS
Eriu Erron Erre Irra Eriwe x x x x x COSMOS
Parkia Parkia Pallatha Farra Ffarga Parkia x x x x COSMOS
Feath Danna Odurna Magdë Feath Biódda Dan x x x x x COSMOS
Feath Magdaia Mág Nevy Daia Emmacha Biódda Magg x x x x x COSMOS
Eshik Ascalom Asgion Mamuhan Mamwcha x x x x x COSMOS
Knohm Gnamon Adamas Agdama Gnwchma x x x x x COSMOS
Orclanx Orgúdma Manduo x Ürch Dark Ambras x x x x COSMOS
Arathrax Rhathor Arathrax Smidgurt Harthrawg x x x x Amonthrace Amrulon + Eriu
Parkulliam x Parkyo x Ffwrg Kiall x x x x Amrulon + Parkia
Rhio Rhaal Rhionacus Rhion Rhewlla Rhiall x x x Errignomon Amrulon + Eriu
Thwar Ard Azephassus Túvach Twrg Thwar (Tuvar) Thusk Farrowath Amrulon + Parkia
Threy Orkybanth Kirxios Luvas Threwgga Threy x x x Zulmani Orclanx + Parkia
Getta Eshik + Sheba
Amema En Ampter
Liluthio Lute Thulion Galliblips Magdaia + Eshik
Eliphossi Falfas Lephenor
Dáunau Acuna Oukina Uki Edonia Magdaia + Eshik
Elystra Elmuna Elystra Feath + Eshik
Zando Glinca Zando Sinna Siona Zana Amrulon + Eriu
Nesbiria Nesbiria Orsis Ortha Orth Ida Jéranjuli
Palithreeta x Artassa x x x x x x x
Bralla x Andela x x x x x x x
Dáwan Dassena Ugina Dáunau + Threy
Dasironessa Dasironessa x Dáunau + Threy
Devahlia x x Dáunau + Threy
Angas x Angeddin x x x x x x
Skalis x Scalissa x x Skalis x x x x
Eriana Zando + Thwar
Addan Addan Magdaias x x x x x x x Magdaia + Zuconus
Kuma x Itlume x x x x x x Magdaia + Eshik

See Also