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The Encyclopedia of the World of Asdar by Kraig Hausmann
2,361 articles

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The fame of the Pallathantic Sea has given its name to the region and the lands which its waves wash. The goddess Pallatha is the sea's namesake and she is credited with guiding the ancient Pallathantic Tribes to settle its islands thousands of years ago. The Pallathantic Sea is formed between the subcontinent of Pytharnia to the north and the minor continent of Danona and the lands of Throvy and Corundy to the south. There are over a hundred islands in the Pallathantic Sea, the greatest of which are Nymentho and Erechóreb. The sea has a great moderating effect on the lands and islands that touch it and magdeologers believe that the sea is the means by which warm water from near the equator is brought north. The commercial and cultural worth of the Pallathantic Sea is incalculable to the surrounding nations and peoples.

Magdeologers teach that the basin of the Pallathantic Sea is created by rift in the earth associated with the movement of the continental plate of Pytharniaca. Most historians believe humans and humanlikes made the first transpallathantic voyages in the seventh millennium AS. Native Kalaman and titanist historians believe the sea was voyaged much earlier.(Full Article...)

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Artist's depiction of the legendary titan city of Azalamb

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