Archpatriarchy of Tiomairy

Tiomairy is located in the mediterranean climate of southwestern Corundy and neighbors the other states of the Free Republic of Rhiony, the Principality of Smiago, the Archpatriarchy of Airdemainy, and the Archpatriarchy of Numiria. Its northern frontier is straddled with Lake Shallynaffe. The capital of Tiomairy is the city of Tiomaire which is the seat of the Archpatriarch's residential palace. The cities of Thragonforre, Fisforre, Uthurnia, Danfferthrune, Ohrimane, and Ontigaire are also found within Tiomairy as well as the Arathracian Sanctuary of Erahusa.
The Achpatriarch of Tiomairy is a suzerain, Arathracian ecclesiastical principality ruled by the Archpatriarch of Tiomairy who locally holds supreme political and religious power. He is a vassal to the Arathracian Sunfather of Erechóreb. In addition to his rule as Archpatriarch of Tiomairy, he is also Prince of Tiomairy in his capacity as ruler. The Prince of Tiomairy by decree made Tiomairy a signatory nation of the Accord of the Princes of Law in 2587. In practice, the Archpatriarch defers to the council of Arathracian lords and the Popular Assembly. The Archpatriarchy is a member of the Commonwealth of Arathracian States.
The land of Tiomairy has been within the sphere of the Arathracian Religion since the Yophenthean Empire. The Archpatriarchy was created as a political entity in 2587 as a result of the Treaty of Rhafyx (2586) which followed the Fifth Geddamin War.
Politics and Religion
Like the other Archpatriarchies in western Corundy, Tiomairy's population is mostly Arathracian. The law tends to secure the religious rights of Arathracians before it does that of other faiths. The rights of its Incarnandist minority are also secured for the most part. There are numerous voices clamoring for greater union with the other Archpatriarchies and also different voices pressing for unification of some sort for all of Corundy. Many of these aspirations have been realized in the recent formation of the League of Corundy.
See Also
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