Empire of Sungo

The Empire of Sungo is the largest state in the subcontinent of Sungo and is a prestigious central government under the rule of the Supreme College of Ministers in the capital city of Azhya Kaïva. The Empire is divided into twenty nine administrative provinces. Most of the inhabitants of the empire are human, but all of the highest ministers and administrators are Sungotine Elves who are highly esteemed by most of the human populace. The Empire of Sungo is known to the West as the origin of pamnests.
Supreme College of Ministers
The highest governing ministers of the twenty nine provinces gather in the supreme college to legislate and appoint officers of the empire. The ministers are elected from eligible candidates by the local population. Only Sungotine Elves may serve on this level of government. Human citizens may elect special ministers of Sungotine Elven candidates to represent them in the Supreme College for the prefecture or province.
See Also
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