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Kalama is the Ithatian name given in the early first century before Salmakhamer to the pre-Midretassene civilization of Corundy. The civilization according to Kalaman records began shortly after the Flood of Aturyanda and persisted with many changes and revolutions until the immigration of the Midrinksi Tribes, 1100 AS to 475 AS at the end of which Kalama had ceased to exist as a distinct and sovereign civilization. Kalaman cultural heritage dominates the Great Valley of Lord Vimal in Corundy and the Kalaman Language is the parent language of Shardanian and Jaithan. The name Kalama itself is not actually used by the Shardanians and Jaithan people who are the modern-day inheritors of this long and highly cultural civilization. Scholars prefer the term Jathya-Dhumi. However, the terms Kalama and Kalaman prevail outside of these languages.

Extent of Kalaman Empire during the Surizhah Kingdom around 2500 AS


Kalaman History is immense, reaching back to the Flood of Aturyanda. The millennia before the time of chaos which include periods before about 6100 AS is regarded by most scholars as semi-legendary. Scholars consider most written history of Kalama from 6100 AS which is the beginning of the city-state period towards the present to contain many credible facts, including dynasties, rulers, and cultural history. The dynasties from this time on are grouped into six successive kingdoms: the Gahashpujani Kingdom, the Pandhauzhi Kingdom, the Neibhu-Yona Kingdom, the Surizhah Kingdom, the Tamukh Kingdom, and the Jatha-Nebir Kingdom. After the Jatha-Nebir Kingdom, there is the transitional period of the Midrinksi Settlement of Kalama and the end of classical Kalaman civilization.

Hills of Ancient Kalama


The relations of the ancient Gods of Kalama, their unions and offspring

Jathya-Dhumi Triad

Dramegginite Pantheon

The divinities of ancient Kalama are sometimes called the Drameginnite Pantheon as they or their predecessors were worshiped in antediluvian Drameggin, a civilization attested to lands now submerged in the Memnosian Sea.

  • Vahmu: Goddess of Infinite Creation, former patron goddess of city of Kathyasundi, creator of Mahada.
  • Thulya: Sun Goddess and solar gods
  • Atur: God of Rain, Snow, and Ice (Compare Thwar)
  • Hesukh {Hesog, Hesug, Sug}: God of Hidden Waters, father of sea gods and earthquakes
  • Taswa: God of Night-time Dreams
  • Mahada (Maghadha): Mother Earth goddess, mother of Bambashra, Zhaddhin, and Onekhyá. She has no husband, but conceives by Atur, Hesukh, and others.
  • Onekhyá: God of War, older brother to Zhaddhin
  • Zhaddhin: Charismatic, lazy god son who lives with Mahada, earth mother goddess. He is father of Zakshim, also father of illegitimate son, Razug, who is god of thieves
  • Sirthi: Goddess of gold, daughter of Thulya and wife to Zhaddhin
  • Zakshim: Merchant God Father
  • Bambashra: Son of Mahada, God of Sailing and sea ships
  • Razug: God of Thieves, illegitimate son of Zhaddhin
  • Shihir: daughter, goddess of fishermen
  • Kaina: goddess of Starmoon
  • Hukshal: goddess of winds
  • Khir: God of sunmoon
  • Blue Bull of Kalama, mount of Zakshim
  • Silver Elephant of Kalama, mount of Atur

Kalaman Geography


  • -aphuna: lake
  • -hirathu: river
  • -oksha: city, city of
  • -ttha: sea

Kalaman Geographic Proper Names

  • Bakyahumya: Thyria
  • Bhimalaphuna: Lake Vimal
  • Baughurah: Adamantine Mountains
  • Dhamalya: Deliops
  • Dhamat, Dhamat-hirathu: Thybdis, Thybdis River
  • Goshamya, Goshamihirathu: Shadew, Shadevan River
  • Jakubya: Lucacia
  • Jalukhrá: Shelekhumbia
  • Kaspatya: Ebinóë, Ebinóëse Highlands
  • Kimbugottha: Jaggudorns
  • Kshandiguha: Corundy
  • Maulaskaya: Shadevan Delta
  • Pamubharttha: Memnosian Sea
  • Prakruthyattha: Pallathantic Sea
  • Saumakya: Thykomos
  • Sayatha: Pytharnia
  • Tawaddha: Desthor

Six Castes of Ancient Kalama

  • Priest Caste (includes kings and magi)
  • Landowner Caste (Aristocrats)
  • Warrior Caste
  • Scribal Caste (includes wizards)
  • Crafters Caste
  • Farmer Caste

Kalaman Epics

Cultural Legacy of Kalama

  • Astronomy
  • Architecture
  • Civil Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Hirgunya Script
  • Historical Records
  • Kalaman Literature
  • Music
  • Religion


Primary Source Primary Sources

Secondary Source Secondary Sources

See Also