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The large island of Taliospa is mostly uncivilized and used as a merchant port by sea traders.

Taliospa Island is a tropical island that lies to the north of the Hadzingwe Peninsula off the continent of Za-Bahuna along the southern side of the Strait of Zhasankye where it straddles the boundary between the Kastubian Sea and the Shimehaz Ocean. The island which rests over the equator is covered with dense tropical foliage and short but rugged mountain chains.

The interior is inhabited by several native human tribes. According to reports by travels and native human tribes, the island is also home to small groups of fishfolk, lizardfolk, frogfolk, and serpentfolk.

Sea traders have established four major trade sites for ships to dock. The largest is Kahu which claims autonomy. The other three are Dondo, Gongwolo, and Jyopi. There are small plantations for spices and other crops in the near vicinity of the trade sites where they can be relatively safe from native tribes.

See Also