Grand Duchy of Aurice

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The Grand-Duchy of Aurice lasted for a period of about fifty years, from 2576 to 2627 and was entirely under the rule of House Bijäl. Stalcast Bijäl had been installed as Lukkha Sampushá or Vice-royal Duke of Aurice in 2474 by King Ondaz Ädazund of Thrace. With the fall and occupation of Thrace, the Duchy of Aurice like the other imperial duchies of the New Kalikán Empire, were made self-governing. Duke Stalcast declared his dominion to be a Grand Duke with the consent of the Noble Senate of Aurice in 2576. His charismatic and victorious reign ended with his accidental death in 2590 and his son, Vast Bijäl succeeded him. The grand-ducal monarchy was thought to have been ensured continuity for centuries as Vast proved a charismatic ruler and Aurice prospered under the security and dominion with the father had won. Vast Bijäl ruled from 2590 to 2603 when he was slain by his younger brother Rhungast Bijäl. To the horror of most senators, Rhungast assumed the office of Grand Duke and used intrigue and his influence with the military to persuade the Senate to acknowledge his succession. Despite his ignominy, Rhungast proved a capable ruler with a measure of distrust that swelled to paranoia towards the end of his nearly twenty three year reign. He died by poisoning in the year 2626 and his assassin remains a matter of historic inquiry and speculation. Upon his death and the speedy flight of his household, intrigues and partisanship arose almost immediately. A year later in 2627, the Noble Senate of Aurice abolished the monarchy and declared the state a republic.

The period of the Grand Duchy saw Aurician victory in the Fifth Geddamin War, the adaption and development of titancraft, the colonial expansion of Aurician power in southern Orrhymby and Skaligdæ, and the beginnings of Aurician popular self-government and military dominion.

See Also