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Bryndyd is the capital of the Archduchy of Asbardy, the seat of the archducal residence and the world-famous Archducal Knights-Draconic of Asbardy. Bryndyd colloquially can mean both the City of Bryndyd which occupies the northeast prominence of the peninsula and Greater Bryndyd which includes all the cities of the rest of the peninsula, including the Archducal Treasure Towns. With about seven hundred fifteen thousand inhabitants, Bryndyd is ranked seventh most populous in the old world. Bryndyd is additionally the gubernatorial seat of the Heart of Asbardy, the core province of both the Archduchy and the Dominion of Asbardy. Bryndyd is an important gateway city to Asbardy's colonial possessions abroad, including New Pytharnia. In modern Asbardian, Bryndyd is 'Birniadh.'

Bryndyd rests on a peninsula jutting towards the east

Geography and Situation


The principle industries of Bryndyd are banking, shipbuilding, titancraftworks, shipping, and retail.

Municipal Government

Culture and Festivals

Key Sites

Archducal Palace of Bryndyd
Basilica of Saint Treel (Bryndyd)
Grand Mayors Palace (Bryndyd)
Pretorium of Archducal Knights Draconic
Princess Ithiria Dragonrail Station
Princess Ithiria Memorial Gardens

Transportation and Infrastructure

Institutions of Learning

Ancient Philosophical College of Bryndyd

Archguild School of Bryndyd

Arathracian Gymnasium of St. Agostof

Arathracian Gymnasium of St. Erithragal the Restorer

Museum of High Antiquaries of Bryndyd

Archducal Archives of Bryndyd


Bryndyd is one of several ancient giant cities, that is, cities founded in very ancient times by the Geddamin Giants and subsequently ruled by Neptultchi and Moigthe. Bryndyd is favorably poised in the north of the Sea of Asbardy, facing the mouths of the Rhaunve River which it historically has controlled. Bryndyd was first called 'Bambashathra' by the giants as reported in Kalaman records and then called 'Neptulxapxi' by the Tuadbe survivors of the Neptultchi Civilization. The Moigthe tribes of southwestern Pytharnia who occupied the site called it 'Birniadd' which has been translated into English as 'Bryndyd.' The year when Bryndyd, or rather ancient Bambashathra, was founded is unknown and some Kemerite legends ascribe its origin to before the Flood of Aturyanda.

Kemerite Giants

Kemerite rule of Bambashathra ended around 4300 AS with the Coming of the Neptultchi who landed near Bryndyd and conquered the Kemerite giants.


Late Tuadbe Period

Moigthe Period

Yophenthean Rule

Golden Empire of Pytharnia

Golden Age of Sky

Early Middle Ages

Rule of Archmage Bexaloth

Seventh Isbajath

Shenimite Rule

Medibgóëse Rule

New Kalikán Empire

Great Sky War


Congress of Bryndyd

Modern Bryndyd

Bryndyd is an important textile center. During the Middle Ages of Chaos, Bryndyd became famous throughout the Pallathantic Region as a center of fine embroidery. In the twenty seventh century (2600's), numerous titancraft textile factories were built in the city which established Bryndyd as a world textile producer.

Greater Bryndyd

Greater Bryndyd borders the city of Bryndyd Proper and includes the Archducal Treasury Towns.

Greater Bryndyd is a special tertiary political level division within the Province of Heart-of-Asbardy which is part of the Dominion of Asbardy. Greater Bryndyd is comprised of numerous cities. Territory not enclosed in a town is part of the General Dominion of Greater Bryndyd. Greater Bryndyd more or less includes all territory in the Bryndydine Peninsula that is not part of Bryndyd proper. Greater Bryndyd enjoys certain tax benefits. The Archducal Treasure Towns are also part of Greater Bryndyd and enjoy an even more favorable tax status.

See Also