Codex Noctium of Vilangril

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The Codex Noctium of Vilangril is one of three least disputed copies of the Codex Noctium. It is generally considered the most complete. The codex is kept at the Library of the Scloyvan Archguild School in Scloye where it is available for scholars with credentials for a standard fee.

The Codex is partly an official biography of Prince Ulcanov of the Shattered Waters, and partly a series of annals of his reign. It uses neither the Arathracian Calendar nor the Calendar of the Common Year, but regularly dates years as simply "in year such and such of his reign." This makes 2119 AI the 'year one' of the text. It ends in the year 2273. It is not certain whether this is the actual end of the original account. It is possible that the original account continued into the beginning of the Fifth Isbajath and that the source of the Codex Noctium Vilangril dates a few years before that time or that the latest portion was simply not included by the copyist.

Scholars find the voice of the record falls into six styles and for this reason it is believed there was a succession of six historians, although the writer never identifies himself in the first person.

Discovery of the Codex

The discovery of the codex is dated to 2519 when an Aurician treasure-seeker retrieved the tome from an exploration of the fallen city of Vilangril. He attempted to sell the tome but could not find a suitable buyer. After his death, his family acquired the book and sold it at auction in Aurice in 2561 to a private collector. To resolve his debts, the collector sold the book to the Scloyvan Archguild School for a large sum that drew much criticism.

See Also