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Ferruvicar [anglicized pronunciation: /fɝˈruːvɨˌkɑːr/] is a land that spans eastern Corundy into Thabda-Phydia. The coast of Ferruvicar faces the Memnosian Sea. It is part of the Duchy of Ferruvicar and the capital is Brandolphi. Ferruvicar borders the Republic of Johaulia, the Aurician Over-Province of Lucacia, Rhovundy, Tinchozzo, and Effronia. The sea is important to the economy of Ferruvicar. Ferruvicar is a member of the League of Corundy. Ferruvicarese is the most widely spoken language by the humans of the land. Ferruvicar has historically been greatly influenced by its powerful neighbor, Aurice to the north.


What later became Ferruvicar was conquered in ancient times by the Midretassene Empire as part of the Tritigosto Campaigns.

See Also