Sea of Orska

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The Sea of Orska is a bay in northeastern Pytharnia Sea so named for Orska Island which rests at its mouth.

The Sea of Orska is a largish bay in the northeastern reaches of the Pytharnian Sea, named after Orska Island which rests at its mouth. The sea provides sea access from Tzac Aituatl to southeastern Midrardia. The sea has many inlets and fjords along its coasts, including the Bay of Klonksey, Gaspander Bay, Thryssan Harbor, and Pakutiak Bay. The presence of Orska Island creates two mouths to the Sea of Orska, Svilmitch Strait to the southwest and Gilgard Strait to the south. The waters of the Sea of Orska are cool to cold throughout the year. In legend, the waters of the Sea of Orska are associated with the mystery surrounding Orska Island.

See Also