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- ...f the heartland of the [[Aurician Empire]] and thus an important political language of the east [[Pallathantic Region]].2 KB (304 words) - 20:35, 19 January 2024
- ...han]]. Among scholars and Jaithans, it is properly called the Jathya-Dhumi Language. *Mythical Drameginnite Language. pre-11,000 AS.4 KB (474 words) - 22:31, 28 September 2024
- ...nguage in the Pallathantic region. Neptultchi is the parent of the [[Xsyte Language]] and the Tuadbe Languages. ...ite civilization, but is otherwise distinct. Ancient Neptultchi was the language of the Empire of the Neptultchi Dragon Folk Kings and the surrounding tribe11 KB (1,534 words) - 00:52, 27 October 2017
- ...Medibgóëse Language]] and it is easy for Gonfalese speakers to acquire the language of Medibgö. Gonfalese was once spoken to a significant minority in Breomar ...from the now extinct [[Ambrasian Language]]. Numerous idioms and borrowed language structures also exist in Gonfalese.4 KB (629 words) - 14:47, 21 November 2020
- ...orundian]], [[Ambrasian Language|Ambrasian]], and the ancient [[Ambrinquan Language]]. ...official language of the [[Arathracian Church]], Erechórebese is often the language of the royal court in [[Rhafyx]].2 KB (285 words) - 00:32, 26 December 2016
- related to [[Dewyddairsh|Dewyddairsh Language]] and to the [[Pytharnian Language]]. Scholars who study the Medibgóëse Language have divided it into five period over its extent of about three thousand ye6 KB (922 words) - 20:30, 27 May 2018
- ...uent in the languages of the [[Pallathantic]]. Thracian is a Jaggudornish language descending through the Thwarrish branch of the Gwenyan Languages. ...he Jaggudorns, Thracian is spoken in [[Skaligdæ]] and used as a liturgical language for the Aurician State Cult of the Golden Phœnice.2 KB (359 words) - 00:18, 31 July 2022
- #REDIRECT [[Khahonri Language]]31 bytes (3 words) - 22:18, 3 January 2014
- #REDIRECT [[Kahonri Language]]30 bytes (3 words) - 22:02, 6 September 2022
- ...n is the language of western and southern [[Corundy]]. It is a Yophenthean Language, descended from [[Classical Yophenthean]]. Major recognized dialects of Co816 bytes (96 words) - 09:53, 16 April 2016
- ...enced by the [[High Shadevan Language]] and possibly by the [[High Moigthe Language]]. {{See also|Old Colnorian Language: Lexicon}}978 bytes (143 words) - 21:33, 28 December 2020
- The language spoken by the ancient and now extinct [[Thetzisari Tribes]] survives only i273 bytes (39 words) - 22:46, 20 April 2014
- ...ely spoken of the child languages of the [[Thammazite Tribes]]. It is the language of the Holy [[Bahraz]]. *[[Khahonri Language]]487 bytes (79 words) - 18:05, 6 May 2014
- ...f [[Tassan Language]] and [[Lucacian|Lucacian Language]], the Midretassene language is descended from Old Low Gwenyan. Dúrandworese also has much Midretassen *[[Ancient Low Gwenyan Language]]1 KB (246 words) - 11:16, 2 July 2022
- #REDIRECT [[Lucacian Language]]31 bytes (3 words) - 11:16, 26 March 2022
- ...n]]. It is also related to the [[Yophenthean Languages]] and [[Medibgóëse Language|Medibgóëse]].6 KB (854 words) - 15:01, 16 September 2017
- ...items and some grammatical items from Yophenthean to which its antecedent language, West Moigthe, is related.817 bytes (117 words) - 05:36, 26 April 2020
- ...eople of northeastern Nymentho, Xsyte is descended from ancient Neptultchi Language. *[[Neptultchi Language]]317 bytes (36 words) - 21:26, 23 May 2014
- The Ithatian language is one of the oldest Quinnian languages of the Pallathantic through which s2 KB (310 words) - 02:45, 11 June 2018
- ...Peninsula along with [[Gorcorumbese Language|Gorcorumbese]] and [[Cospian Language|Cospian]]. *[[Ithatian Language]]837 bytes (112 words) - 02:56, 11 June 2018
Page text matches
- : {{icon|language}} [[Aarokinian Titan Language]] (Titanic) : {{icon|language}} [[Adinuhu Language]] spoken in [[Ojo Empire]] (Babwisi Languages?)8 KB (842 words) - 04:11, 8 October 2024
- List of Language Pages not yet created. Once a page is created, it should be removed from t :[[Aarokinian Titan Language]]2 KB (265 words) - 15:55, 3 February 2025
- ...Pytharnia encompasses several languages, including the single [[Pytharnian Language]] of the highlands}} *[[Azerukese Language]]2 KB (171 words) - 13:27, 30 November 2014
- ...Modern Tassan is spoken in Zamiria and the [[Tassan Plateau]]. It is the language of the [[Zamirian Autonomous Congress]] in the [[Aurician Empire|Aurician]] *[[Dúrandworese Language]]667 bytes (87 words) - 21:02, 3 June 2019
- ...of the the modern [[Amerzcelindot Language|Amerzcelindot]] and [[Umbardian Language|Umbardian]] Languages. *[[Old Colnorian Language]]1 KB (137 words) - 23:05, 11 December 2021
- ...urgical and scholarly languages, notably classical Jathya-Dhumi ([[Kalaman Language|Kalaman]]) and [[Classical Yophenthean]]. !width="250"|Language1 KB (149 words) - 13:46, 11 August 2024
- ...age|Midretassene]], [[Ferruvicarese Language|Ferruvicarese]], and [[Tassan Language|Tassan]]. *[[Midretassene Language]]414 bytes (46 words) - 20:33, 3 June 2019
- ...y, [[Corundian Language|Corundian]], a [[Yophenthean Languages|Yophenthean language]], is spoken in southern and western Corundy. It is also the namesake of t *[[Corundian Language]]2 KB (247 words) - 10:42, 2 July 2022
- ...ential for scholars to reconstruct and understand the ancient [[Neptultchi Language]]. *[[Neptultchi Language]]451 bytes (58 words) - 04:54, 21 January 2015
- ...hrovy, or the [[Throvian Language]]. The word originates from the Thracian Language. The indigenous name is [[Lucacia]]. The ancient Jathya-Dhumi name is Jakub *[[Lucacian Language]]826 bytes (112 words) - 12:25, 26 March 2022
- ...e [[Khahonri Language]] and to the [[Dagaithi Language]]. The [[Narsadese Language]] is closely related to Cospian. ...fourth millennium before [[Salmakhamer]]. Cospian developed as a distinct language sometime in the second millennium [[AS]].474 bytes (64 words) - 23:58, 14 December 2016
- ...ongues while others have gone extinct . Classical Yophenthean remains the language of Arathracian liturgy, formal ecclesiastical discussions, formal documents *[[Ambrasian Language]] (extinct)1 KB (160 words) - 09:58, 16 April 2016
- ...Peninsula along with [[Gorcorumbese Language|Gorcorumbese]] and [[Cospian Language|Cospian]]. *[[Ithatian Language]]837 bytes (112 words) - 02:56, 11 June 2018
- ...f the family of [[Jathya-Dhumi Languages]] which includes the [[Shardanian Language]]. ...[[Midretassene Language]], which are not present in the classical Kalaman Language.988 bytes (138 words) - 14:10, 5 April 2020
- ...(1250 AI to 1850 AI), until the present-day language, [[Modern Pytharnian Language|Modern Pytharnian]]. Late Kerspa-Kvé was the language of the mythical bard, [[Luvasirgwer]].941 bytes (113 words) - 20:05, 7 January 2024
- ...the land of [[Lucacia]], the inhabitants of [[Lucacia]], or the [[Lucacian Language]]. The Thracian name for Lucacia is Throvy. The ancient Jathya-Dhumi name i *[[Lucacian Language]]789 bytes (107 words) - 12:26, 26 March 2022
- ...ia]] or [[Amosgire]]. The [[Gonfalese Language]] overtook the [[Ambrasian Language]], but has borrowed heavily from the latter many words and some idiomatic a *[[Ambrasian Language]]570 bytes (79 words) - 12:05, 4 November 2014
- ...|Gwenyan Language]], but part of the [[Jathya-Dhumi Languages|Jathya-Dhumi Language Family]]. Shardanian is written in a modern version of [[Hirgunya]]. The Shardanian Language is named after the god [[Shardan]] who is the lord of [[Lake Shallynaffe]]810 bytes (110 words) - 21:06, 25 December 2021
- ...han Language|Jaithan]], [[Shardanian Language|Shardanian]], and [[Ithradic Language|Ithradic]].709 bytes (91 words) - 14:13, 5 April 2020
- ...bardian Language|Asbardian]], [[Gonfalese Language|Gonfalese]], [[Ithatian Language|Ithatian]], ...ledge of ancient [[Kalaman Language|Kalaman]] and had studied [[Neptultchi Language|Neptultchi]] inscriptions.1 KB (167 words) - 11:54, 15 December 2024