Archduchy of Asbardy
Archpatriarchy of Ambrasia
Archpatriarchy of Tiomaire
Commonwealth of Gdelisica
Commonwealth of the Ithrads
Commonwealth of Sardeichs
Commonwealth of the Skymark
Commonwealth of Thrace
Commonwealth of Xsys
Dominion of Umbardia
Empire of Medigbö, Civilian
Free Republic of Estyo Rhe
Governorship of Medibgóëse Gonfaloy
Ishaamate of Benjalay
Kingdom of Dagdoria
Kingdom of Erechóreb
Kingdom of Oliblish
Kingdom of Shagrela'al
Kingdom of Themet
Kingdom of Thrain
Narsadese Republic
Noble Republic of Aurice
Overlordship of Gorcorumb
Overlordship of Streionia
Principality of Gonfaloy
Republic of Gliri
Republic of Gonsk
Republic of Ithatia
Republic of Johaulia
Sultanate of Beph-Themesh
Sultanate of Zarajove
Union of Nymentho
Union of Pytharnia
Union of Pytharnia, Imperial
Viceroyalty of Jagohr