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|[[Golden Age of Dragonmount Warfare in Pytharnia and Barathorn]], The||History||||||||||
|[[Golden Age of Dragonmount Warfare in Pytharnia and Barathorn]], The||History||||||||||
|[[Glamsagin Chronicle]], The||History, Annals||[[Ra'esel kab Naphug]]||ca 2290's||[[Khahonri Language]]||Av||primary historical source of events of the Fifth Isbajath and related events
|[[Golden Book of Aurice]], The||Government Document||||||Throvian||||Recognized officially since the reign of House Kaligger, the Golden Book of Aurice lists all the properly registered aristocratic houses and rulers of the city of Aurice and the provinces of Throvy.  The book is held in the Senatorial Palace of Aurice and is continually revised, with vellum pages being removed and added annually.
|[[Golden Book of Aurice]], The||Government Document||||||Throvian||||Recognized officially since the reign of House Kaligger, the Golden Book of Aurice lists all the properly registered aristocratic houses and rulers of the city of Aurice and the provinces of Throvy.  The book is held in the Senatorial Palace of Aurice and is continually revised, with vellum pages being removed and added annually.

Revision as of 22:20, 27 November 2013


Links with "(Book)" in parentheses are used to distinguish between articles about a subject and articles about a book with the same name as the subject. Articles about books without ambiguous titles do not use (Book) in the title. Articles with (Text) in parentheses indicate all or some of the actual text of the document. Text links are not given in this table but in the article about the book.

List of Books and Documents of Asdar
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Abnegations of St. Treel St. Treel 1018-1029 Ebinóëse 4.5 teaches the principles of self-denial practiced by the saint and the basis of the Trelevite Order.
Account of Early Gonfalese Settlement, An 2632 Gonfalese gives history of Gonfalese Tribes and their origin from Medibgö
Account of Lord Bragdathauch's Expedition to Southerin Skaligdæ, The History
Aeronautical Almanac
Against Chaos Treatise
Amandal Plateau: Journeys and Reconciliations, The
Amatory Rites 2648 Corundian 5
Ambrinquan Book of Manic Devotions Religious Anonymous 1900's Ebinóëse Chaos Worship
Among the Submarine Civilizations of the West Pallathantic Merfolk Cities, Siul, Naquir, etc.
Ancient and Holy Points of the Sun, The Treatise explains the Arathracian religious observances associated with the high holy days that celebrate the voyage of the sun through the year
Ancient Dragon Lairs of Shaddago
Ancient Midretassene Necromancy 2311 Tassan 3
Ancient Schism of the Skyfaring Forefathers of the Jaggudorns, The
Anti-Printing Press Statutes and the Accord of the Princes of Law, The 2619 Medibgóëse origin of laws restricting printing press
Arandala verse Dalgorondo 2481 Medibgóëse Account of an elf princess of Pytharnia who becomes human
Archetypes of Gorcorumbese Titancraft Vessel Hulls
Architectural Motifs of Neptultchi Temples
Archotheistic Heliolatry in the Post-Schismatic Arathracian Communion
Art and Practice of Goetic Magic, The
Asbard Bestiary of Throes
Asbard Book of Manic Devotions Religious Anonymous 1900's Chaos Worship
Asbard Proceedings of the General Congress of Bryndyd Proceedings
Asbard War Dragons (Book) Bragand dhal Ithraig 2613 Asbardian
Aturyandakumi Epic Garshaha Rubhira ca 7900s AS Kalaman epic of the hero-king Aturyanda, survivor of the Great Flood and founder of ancient Kalama
Aurician Military Engagements of the Sewdhaine War Military History
Azbulihan's Guide to Djinn of Weshif Guide Azbulihan ikib Asulimaana 2421 Dagaithi Account of Djinn of Weshif, history of relations, wars with humans, psychic crusades, Paphutaikim's Isbajath, Gorcorumbese assault against Valley of the Djinn
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Bahraz, The Religious Dagaithi
Bathtimes of Lord Ulcanov, The Libretto Throvian
Battle of Pytharnia One Hundred Years Later, The Military History Ontairgain dalg Mehailgean 2674 Pytharnian; Medibgóëse, Asbardian Pivotal Battle of Pytharnia in GSW
Best Loved Goscund Bards Biographical 2603 Throvian biography of selected Goscund Bards, their lives and works
Bickerbat's Tales Children's Children's stories told by a talking horse; originally from the Shadmaus
Blue Dragon Eggs
Bone Magic of the Beastfolk
Book of the Tamdari Religious Thamphakulu of Sungo ca 870 "The True Magic can been heard all around us. The magic that cannot be seen is only mystery. The true magic is the sound and not the hearing."
Bwenghia region in Za-Bahuna
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Catalogue of the Witchlands Geographical Griffain Vedachier of Magetown 2643 Throvian list and description of the Throe Wastes of Throvy
Children of Besheth Biographical Rhionantis the Younger of Aurice 2614 Throvian Children of the Incarnandina and their roles in the Psychic Crusades, especially the Fifth Psychic Crusade
City of Arathrax Religious St. Agostof of Delesphao 11th century Erechórebese theological treatise on the spiritual city of Arathrax
Collected Letters of Croin Paskanoppo (2719 to 2745) Correspondence Croin Paskanoppo 2753 Ebinóëse, Ithatian, Corundian, Tassan, Yophenthean
Collection of Thetzisari Idioms Agdaskalos
Concerning Warfare Among the Pytharnians Treatise Shibziadáin ishbiz Bakhuilub 1011 Ithradic discusses human warfare from the viewpoint of the Ithradic dwarves; includes much information about Yophenthean warfare
Concordance of Spectral Phenomena of the Amosgire 2687 Gonfalese 3
Conjugal Customs of the Ambrulian Centaur Tribes
Constitutions of the Empire Law Pytharnian; Medibgóëse Magdalan Law Codes
Corundian Book of Manic Devotions Religious Anonymous 1900's Corundian Chaos Worship
Corundy and the Fifth Geddamin War History Rhionantis the Elder of Aurice 2611 Throvian Causes, Events, and interpretation of the Fifth Geddamin War
Cospian Book of Manic Devotions Religious Anonymous 1900's Cospian Chaos Worship
Costumes of the Magdalan Court in the Twenty Seventh Century
Curse of House Bijäl Libretto 2719 Tassan the work treats the last years of the life of Stalcast Bijäl, including his tragic death in a hunting accident, 3 Acts; libretto written in Tassan with some phrases in Thracian
Cyclopedia of Natural Philosophy Reference Various 19 volume set
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Death of Tavikre Shawath, The Epic
Decree of Grand Duke Stalcast Bijäl Concerning Corundy Law Grand Duke Stalcast Bijäl]] 2584 Thracian; Throvian Legal Decree that the mainland of Corundy is free from all Gorcorumbese Dominion
Delicacies of Old Magdala 2633 Pytharnian Cookbook
Derivations Common to Pallathanto-Toruvian Languages Arrham Taspänuk 2635
Descent of the Giants Treatise Orkybanthius of Zander ca 350 Ithatian Orkybanthus of Zander details his theories of the origins of giants, touches upon Titan history; references Ithatian, Midretassene, Kalaman, and Shelekhumbian creation accounts; cosmology
Dialogues of Mando, The Philosophical Mando Classical Ithatian
Diaspora of the Parkyon Tribe, The 2589 Parkyon spread of people of Parkyon extraction throughout Barathorn, Orrhymby, and elsewhere
Disquisition of the Proofs of Interpenetrating Worlds Treatise
Dradvona Herbary, The
Dragonback Warriors 2582 Asbardian Language hardy, dedicated dragonmount warriors of Pytharnia and their role in the Great Sky War
Drameggin Book of Seers, The authorship dubious and content spurious, purportedly Antediluvian
Dwarven Architecture in Human Cities
Dwarven Courtship Customs of the High Jaggudorns Amandal Dwarves, Ithradic Jaggudorner dwarves
Dwarven King Lists of Ancient Bukalaa
Dwarven King Lists of Ancient Ithrads
Dwarven King Lists of Tauhad Anonymous spans several millennia, stone inscriptions, dwarven cuneiform; the original stone tablets are in Tauhad; paper copies are available with translation and commentary
Dwarven Mechanical Engineering before the Twenty Fifth Century
Dwarven Stone Relief of the First Kingdom of Dagdoria
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Early Air Battles of the Titancraft Age 2658 Asbardian Gorcorumbese and early human titancraft air vessels, Covers about 2580 to 2620
Elements of Pytharnian Philology Arrham Taspänuk 2627
Eradication of Chaos Cults in Imperial Law Treatise Pytharnian
Erechórebese Book of Manic Devotions Religious Anonymous 1900's Erechórebese Chaos Worship
Eregioadine Sacramentary Ecclesiastical anonymous 2231 Yophenthean compiled during reign of Eregioadh IV, 2,226 to 2,334
Esthetics of Gorcorumbese Titancraft, The
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Familiar Adages of High Pytharnia
Famous Titancraftwrights of the Past Century 2609 Throvian outlines the lives of the most famous titancraft developers of the twenty sixth century -- the century when humans and dwarves pioneered the acquisition and improvement of titancraft
Fate of Gungglos, The
Festschrift for Kirxionantine of the Long Sleeves
Field Guide for Amantuvite Borgissas Technical Manual 2672 Pytharnian 4
Field Guide to Goblin Death Traps of the Wild Jaggudorns
Fifteen Songs of King Llawfffagain, The Epic ~1550's
Five Ages or the Rationalized History of Gods and Humans Treatise Rhaaltheptis Parrhomigo 2414
Five Lives of the Princes of Chaos Biographical Amric Ethuve 2579 Ithatian; many others
Forbidden Memoirs of Prince Ulcanov Ithatian widely regarded as spurious and sensational
From Archmagedom to Arch-Duchy: A History of Asbardy History 2703 Asbardian covers 2200 to 2680 AI; establishment of Bexaloth through the Sewdhaine War
From the Fifth Isbajath to the Fifth Geddamin War: The Transformation of Early Modern Aurice Historical Analysis Danax Aistaga 2702 Throvian Language Av
Fundamentals of Kirxionantine Alchemy
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Gastronomer’s Guide to Trevirs Guide Pytharnian Guide to fine and notable restaurants and bars of Trevirs
Golden Age of Dragonmount Warfare in Pytharnia and Barathorn, The History
Glamsagin Chronicle, The History, Annals Ra'esel kab Naphug ca 2290's Khahonri Language Av primary historical source of events of the Fifth Isbajath and related events
Golden Book of Aurice, The Government Document Throvian Recognized officially since the reign of House Kaligger, the Golden Book of Aurice lists all the properly registered aristocratic houses and rulers of the city of Aurice and the provinces of Throvy. The book is held in the Senatorial Palace of Aurice and is continually revised, with vellum pages being removed and added annually.
Goscundian Bestiary of Throes Throvian
Goscundian Book of Manic Devotions Religious Anonymous 1900's Throvian Chaos Worship
Grand Duke Stalcast Bijäl: The Phœnix of Aurice Biographical Vedaius Skain, 2675 to 2746 2713 Throvian comprehensive biography of Stalcast Bijäl from birth to death
Great Ruby Road: Barathorner Portaging, The 2672 Erechórebese Cities and townships along the Great Ruby Road, method of portaging, kinds of portagers
Great Trade Ships of the Pallathantic
Guide to Lyric Theater of Corundy and the Tassan Highlands Guide 2648, 2665
Guide to the Aurician Games of High Summer 2718
Gwarnavague's Libram of Spells Magical Text
Gwendalore Romance
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Halfling Waygods of High Pytharnia
Handbook of Troll Cant, Handsigns, and Customs
Harmony of the Cosmic Elements Treatise Thraspevain dhal Esbirth 2494 Asbardian Discusses the cosmological balance of the four classical elements
Hermeneutics of the Lygdamionic Cantos Academic 2537 Tassan various methods of interpreting Lygdamionic Verse from various books of manic devotions (Chaos Poetry)
History of Dwarven Architecture of the Jaggudorns
History of Erechóreb, A History 2208 Erechórebese pre-Goldenling, Goldenling, Post-Yophenthean to present day), 21 volume set
History of the Arathracian Church in Corundy ecclesiastical history 2497
History of the Study of Celestial Mechanics
Hœrnectian Book of the Dream, The Cosmological, Relgious anonymous before 5,000 AS Ancient Hœrnectian describes the cosmology of the ancient Hœrnectians, the "Dream," The work exists today only in fragments and quote fragments from Shelekhumbian authors and others.
Holy City of Arathrax, The Agostof of Delesphao 1073 Erechórebese The historical and metaphysical role of the city of Yophénthë
Hunting by Skycraft
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Illusion of Heterodoxy in Historic Chaos Cults, The Treatise
Imperial Strategy of Aurice Treatise 2710
Implements of Chaos: Guide to Bladewringing Swords and Daggers of the Late Middle Ages Collector's Guide 2679
Incarnature, The Religious Various Principle Religious Text of Incarnandist Believers
Indolise of Bryndyd Tragedy
Institutes of Ancient Yophenthean Law
Intrigues of the Late Bijälen Court Perevath Chandomiddo 2710 Tassan written 2700-2710 IR, covers 2574 to 2627, but focuses on 2590 to 2634, the reigns of Vast and Rhungast Bijäl and ending with the Battle of Kadraskan and the death of Rhoglos Bijäl
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Jairutthalakumi Epic Samptarah ahwa Kamaddhu ca 4,700 AS Kalaman account of the rise of King Jairutthala
Jecubian Country Songs 2512
Jerushabla and the Isbajutha history 2519
Journal of Alchemical Studies of the Archguild School of Trevirs Academic Journal
Journal of Arathracian Studies Erechórebese
Journal of the Archivists of Imperial Trevirs Professional Journal
Journey through Six Provinces of Sungo, A Travel Log ~2410's
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Kalamantica Orkybanthinantis of Addinoro ~600 AI Tassan the Kalamantica deals with the origins, gods, rulers, and history of ancient Kalama, a great flood survivor culture. The Kalamantica is a work of prose written in ancient Ithatian, the language of scholarship at that time. It was translated into ancient Midretassene and since has been translated into many modern languages
Kalikán Kingship of Thrace and the Imperial Apparatus in the Twenty Sixth Century Treatise
Kaphrimmoth, The Religious Various Khahonri
Kingdoms of Leh-Shelekhumbis, The 2697 Tassan Political History of Shelekhumbia from ancient times
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Last Voyage of Darvak Manukvar, The Romance Thworganian
Law of the Sixteen Golden Tablets Law ~400's ? Archaic Erechórebese Ancient Yophenthean Law Code
Legend of Saint Gidhoniel Chanson (Epic) ~2400's Khahonri epic account of St. Gidhoniel Kab S'ephah in the Fifth Psychic Crusade
Legends of the Witchlands Throvian compilation of legends told about the Throe Wastes of Throvy
Lord Framondiger Novel
Lost Cities of the Witchlands Geographical Griffain Vedachier of Magetown 2646 Throvian Describes the cities of the Throe Wastes, Banjavit, Camptephir, Vilangril, Hars, Eszhuna, Aszhrafa, Secruba; locations, dangers, best approaches, various hazards
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Magic: A Dangerous Servant 2184 Dúrandworese warns about the dangers of magic to the practitioner and the community
Magnificent Ruination of Old Yophénthë Guide 2513 Travel Guide to great ruins of ancient Yophénthë
Majestic Order of the Heavens, The Astronomy, 17 books
Manual of Panagogic Exchange Technical
Mating Rituals of the Gishak
Medibgóëse Language Grammar Medibgóëse; translated into Pytharnia and others "Grammar of Medibgóëse Language
Medibgösk Book of Manic Devotions Religious 1900's Medibgóëse chaos worship
Metamagics Philosophical Mando
Minor Devil Cults of Lake Vimal Tassan worship of semi-divine and minor divinities and devils of high Johaulia, especially Lake Vimal
Minotaur Cults and Cultists of Northern Danona
Modern System of Astronomy Scientific Simebal Dalib ~2550 Shelekhumbian 14 Books
Moyan War, The Epic Memerth ca 750 AS Epic Account of the War against Moya
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Necessary Evil, A ~400 Ebinóëse Magic as a Dangeous Tool; written by an Arathracian
Neptultchi Origins in Dragonmount Cant and Esoteric Magecraft Arrham Taspänuk 2642
Nesography of Kaddis the Lesser, The Kaddis the Lesser Classical Ithatian
Noble Families of High Pytharnia
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Obandian Art
Obscenities of Chaos Cults in Pre-Isbajath Crusader Aurice
On Hormastics Abbiachus
On Human Origins
On Revelatory States of Consciousness
On the Ancient Systems of Magecraft
On the Refutation of Many Gods Philosophical -- Oratorical Discusses the many arguments used to denigrate polytheism, the motivations of the arguers, and critiques them, author gives subtle biases
One Waits at the Door Novel 2487
Origin of Fey Humanlikes in Northern Pytharnia, The
Our Heritage of Incarnandist Saints Rhionantis the Younger of Aurice 2619 Throvian , lists numerous Incarnandist Saints through the centuries with emphasis on Throvian Saints like St. Olmima Olima of the Glade
Outpouring, The Religious St. Melíbdë the Barren 2572 writings of Incarnandist Saint who espoused compassion as the gateway to deity
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Paradeisius' Guide to Asdar Travel Guide Paradeisius Iugain
Perils and Science of the Good Goddess Work on Gwona and Neehore
Perspectives on Classical Elementology
Preternatural Consciousness in the Non-Energist
Prince's Obligation Encyclical Sunfather Cambadheal I 1753 Yophenthean Encyclical against wizardry, commands Arathracian princes to weed out wizardry
Principles of Magdeology
Proceedings of the Popular Revolutionary Council 2756+ Pytharnian 3
Profane Roots of Esoteric Languages Arrham Taspänuk 2638
Pytharnian Book of Manic Devotions Religious Anonymous 1900's Pytharnian Chaos Worship
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Rangers of the Umbardian Woodlands
Ray of Wizardry, The Magical 8 volume set of codices
Regimens of Energism 2413 Tassan 5
Reminders of the Blood Feud in Modern Dwarven Conventions Academic
Rituals of Transcendance
Role of Primeval Ages in Epic Poetry, The Academic Rhaaltheptis Parrhomigo 2707
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Saga of Anatar the Guileless, The Saga 800's Ancient Thracian
Saturnine Fever: Symptoms and Treatments Medical
Saurian Domestication in the Medibgösk Tradition
Secrets of Dwarven Dragonrail in Pytharnia 2728
Serene Madness: The Mind of the Chaos Cultist, A 2649
Shagrela'al: Cradle of Imzaha 2562
Shelekhumbite Book of Manic Devotions Religious Anonymous 1900's Shelekhumbite Chaos Worship
Siege of Bryndyd, The military history Psychic Crusade
Skyfaring Nations of Colnoria and Jasturia 2633 Parkyon ancient skytribes of western Jaggudorns before and after the exodus of the Parkyon
Spiritual Quest for Tangible Azalamb Tenedrin Calchamas 2740's
Stone Monuments of the Western Baihu 2519 Gonfalese 4
Story of the Sewdhaine War, The 2693 Medibgóëse; translated into many others broad, easy to understand account
Study of Non-Doctrinarian Psychic Meditations, A 2557 Ithatian guide to psychic meditations exclusive of religion
Sword of the Maiden of Zephas, The Epic Lay Irchoram of Asberdon 2540's Asbardian
Symbolism of Clerical Artwork of Post-Medieval Johaulia Academic Rhaaltheptis Parrhomigo 2698 Tassan
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Tales of Old Pytharny Aliskémon Tharstros 2555 Pytharnian
Tales of the Haunted Hills of Amosgire ~2520 collection of fables and legends about ghosts and hauntings in the Amosgire Hills
Temples and Treasures of Neptultchi Pytharnia
The Isxinthion Hymns Errhus (attributed) ~600 AS Classical Ithatian
Thirteen Days Among the Uglyami 2618 Pytharnian gritty adventure story
Thirteen Days and Nights in the Uglyami Frontier 2695 Thworganian (?) 6
Thracian Folksongs 2642
Timanthionic Book of Aeons Legendary attributed to Timanthio ~15,000 AS A historic record attributed to the legendary great Titan, Timanthio
Titancraft Hollow-Hulled Chamber Lift Systems Treatise
Titancraft Revolution
Titancraft War Vessels of Aurice
Titanology and Titancraft
Towards a Higher Interpretation of Divine Personae Philosophical
Traditional Thracian Gontha Husbandry
Transformative Energetics
Transgenic Wizardry in Theory and Practice
Transmutational Concoctions in Theory and Practice
Troll Songs of High Agogia
Trollish and other Humanlike Pidgins of the Shadmaus
Trollscrift of High Agogia gives examples of troll-markings and teaches how to understand them, uses examples from Shadmaus and Transalpine Agogia
Tyrophian Sow, The 2703 Throvian 3
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Ugorth the Archmage Romance Throvian
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Vankkagomirian Empire (Book), The
Victory over Trevirs History 2581 Asbardian Langauge Battle of Pytharnia 2573
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Warlock's Guide to the Undead
Wars of Imperial Tangshania, The eleven volume set
Wilderness Guide to High Thrace Medibgóëse
Witch and the Tisbajiya: The Second Battle of the Archmage, The 2687 Asbardian account of the life and struggle of Shadirya of Zephas, Psychic Crusader and slayer of Bexaloth
Wizardry among the Ithatian Ruling Classes of the Heroic Age Academic-Magical 2334 Ithatian practice and dissemination of wizardry among Ithatian Heroes in the Fifth Century BA
Woes of Yophenthea, The Epic traditionally attributed to Dantherac Glardanth Speluntomil Classical Yophenthean Account of Prince Dantherak set against the Third Sack of Yophénthë and Fall of the Yophenthean Empire
Wyvern Migratory Routes and Weirs of Agogia
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Xsyte Language Primer
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Yophentheanizing Elements of Late Medieval Tapestry of Johaulia Rhaaltheptis Parrhomigo 2701 Tassan
Title Type Authorship Time Languages Av Remarks
Zafayat’s Guide to Gastronomy of High Aurice Guide Zafayat 2714 Throvian Guide to better restaurants of the City of Aurice and nearby islands
Zankriphesil Legendary Religious Imzahi Religion Imzaami believe this book exists in the angelic realm. "Zankriphesil" means literally "Seven Books of God."
Zorundeen's History of Shelekhumbia Gander Zorundeen Tassan

Template |Title||Type||Authorship||Year||Language||Av||Remarks |-

See Also