Difference between revisions of "Chronology of Asdar"

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(30 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 24: Line 24:
:Founding of dwarven [[Gered Sinna]] (in [[Gdelisica]]), 7594 [[AS]] by [[Qaish'aa]] [[Dwarves]] from the [[Ithrads]].
:Founding of dwarven [[Gered Sinna]] (in [[Gdelisica]]), 7594 [[AS]] by [[Qaish'aa]] [[Dwarves]] from the [[Ithrads]].
:Giants found [[Aturoksha]] sometime before 7,000 AS as a refuge from calamities
;7,000 AS
;7,000 AS
Line 46: Line 47:
=3,000 AS=
=3,000 AS=
3000 to 2001 AS
2914 AS: [[Cataclysm of the Screeching Maidens]]
2914 AS: [[Cataclysm of the Screeching Maidens]]
Line 54: Line 56:
2400 AS to 1775 AS (625 yrs): Kingdom of [[Thykomos]]
2400 AS to 1775 AS (625 yrs): Kingdom of [[Thykomos]]
ca 2700 AS: Sometime in the late third millennium, the [[Disdrirn Elves]] create the [[Thornwall]] to keep out humans encroaching from the south.
=2000 AS=
=2000 AS=
Line 92: Line 96:
=700 to 601 AS=
=700 to 601 AS=
ca 700 to 475 AS; [[Midrinksi Tribes]] migrate in waves into western Throvy and Kalama Peninsula
ca 700 to 475 AS; [[Midrinksi Tribes]] migrate in waves into western Lucacia and Kalama Peninsula
675 AS Possible birth year of legendary [[Addan]], attributed to the seventh century before [[Salmakhamer]]
675 AS Possible birth year of legendary [[Addan]], attributed to the seventh century before [[Salmakhamer]]
=600 AS to 501 AS=
=600 AS to 501 AS=
568 AS, Birth of [[Myddarddowen]], demi-mortal son of [[Kiall]] (Parkulliam, Parkyos)
558 AS, Birth of K’aiu; half Parkyon, half [[Jamyá]]; father is Jamyá shaman and mother was Parkyon; companion to Envys
558 AS, Birth of K’aiu; half Parkyon, half [[Jamyá]]; father is Jamyá shaman and mother was Parkyon; companion to Envys
541 AS; Invention of Skycraft; Envys and his companion K'aiu invent skycraft;  K'aiu teaches Parkyons how to make and use skycraft; Envys teaches Kalikán how to make and use skycraft
541 AS; Invention of Skycraft; Envys and his companion K'aiu invent skycraft;  K'aiu teaches Jamyá and Parkyons how to make and use skycraft; Envys teaches Kalikán how to make and use skycraft
568 AS, Birth of [[Myddarddowen]], demi-mortal son of [[Kiall]] (Parkulliam, Parkyos)
530 AS, Death of K'aiu
530 AS, Death of K'aiu
Line 192: Line 196:
473 AI to 485 AI, [[Thursar War]], 473 to 485
473 AI to 485 AI, [[Thursar War]], 473 to 485
481 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Engway Island, Barathorn
481 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of [[Pemphelas Island]], [[Barathorn]]
487 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Thrysto
487 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Thrysto
492 AI to 513 AI [[Zelukian War]] Yophenthea wars against Midretasso and her allies
492 AI to 513 AI [[Zelukian War]] Yophenthea wars against Midretasso and her allies; Midretassene General, Gargastin wages war against Erechóreb
Line 203: Line 207:
508 AI, Narshad allies with [[Yophenthean Empire]]
508 AI, Narshad allies with [[Yophenthean Empire]]
513 AI [[Battle of Siul]] concludes the [[Zelukian War]], Yophenthean conquest of Midretassene Empire follows (Dúrandwor, Ithatia, Midretasso, Ebinóë, Shadevan Delta, Orthont, Throvy, Coastal Erserce)
513 AI [[Battle of Siul]] concludes the [[Zelukian War]], Yophenthean conquest of Midretassene Empire follows (Dúrandwor, Ithatia, Midretasso, Ebinóë, Shadevan Delta, Orthont, Lucacia, Coastal Erserce)
515 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Deliops
515 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Deliops
Line 233: Line 237:
569 AI, Dwarven Commonwealth of the Ithrads becomes client state of Yophenthean Empire
569 AI, Dwarven Commonwealth of the Ithrads becomes client state of Yophenthean Empire
574 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Jecubia (Throvy)
574 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Jecubia (Lucacia)
582 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Ersercean Coastline
582 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Ersercean Coastline
Line 267: Line 271:
:837 to 840: [[Invasion of Gavalúkh the Skylord]], 833 to 840
:837: [[Mustering of the Tuvarions]]
:838: Wintering near what is modern Borenlas
:839: [[Sack of Bryndyd]]
:840 AI, [[First Sack of Yophénthë]]
:840 AI, [[First Sack of Yophénthë]]
:867 AI; [[Edict of Culfarran]] of the Supreme Heliarch; Rites of the Sun Cult extended to all humans and humanlikes who qualify
:867 AI; [[Edict of Culfarran]] of the Supreme Heliarch; Rites of the Sun Cult extended to all humans and humanlikes who qualify
:879 AI; High Clergy of the Arathracian Church gather in [[Aglidice]] for the [[Council of Aglidice]] which formulates the [[Aglidicene Creed]], establishing the nature of the deity Arathrax.
:[[Resurgence of the Old Religion]], ca 930 to ca 1140: some sectors of former Yophenthean Empire revert from Arathracianism to the worship of the gods of the [[Old Religion]]
:932 AI [[Second Sack of Yophénthë]]
:932 AI [[Second Sack of Yophénthë]]
:986 AI  [[Third Sack of Yophénthë]], Fire-bombing with [[whetcoal]], Turantúve, High Priest (Heliocrat?) of the Sun, slain ignominously 986 AI by Chief [[Väduskal of the Kalikán]]
:986 AI  [[Third Sack of Yophénthë]], Fire-bombing with [[whetcoal]], Turantúve, High Priest (Heliocrat?) of the Sun, slain ignominiously 986 AI by Chief [[Väduskal of the Kalikán]]
:986 AI  Fall of Yophénthë; Sky Gods and Coalition of Jaggudornish skyfaring tribes invade
:986 AI  Fall of Yophénthë; Sky Gods and Coalition of Jaggudornish skyfaring tribes invade
Line 283: Line 294:
1,056 AI Karakuliar from western Osfandia settle in northern Pytharnia by the Sea of Orska
1,056 AI Karakuliar from western Osfandia settle in northern Pytharnia by the Sea of Orska
;1,100 AI [[Yophenthean Successor States]], Decline
;1,100 AI [[Yophenthean Successor States]], Decline
;[[Ambrasian Reformation]]: 1110 AI to 1140 AI, re-establishment of [[Amrulon]] as primary divinity with mixture of old and new theology. Religious movement centered upon [[Amyrn]] and the temple cult of the sun god.
~1,140 AI Fall of the [[Golden Empire of Pytharnia]]
~1,140 AI Fall of the [[Golden Empire of Pytharnia]]
Line 308: Line 323:
1,437 AI, War of the Allies (1429 to 1437) comes to conclusion with the [[Fall of the First Kalikán Empire]]
1,437 AI, War of the Allies (1429 to 1437) comes to conclusion with the [[Fall of the First Kalikán Empire]]
:1448: [[Creation of the Skymark Kingdom]]
:1448: [[Creation of the Skymark Kingdom]], at the conclusion of the [[Strembaflag War]], 1440 to 1448, end of [[Growyddan Dynasty]] and end of the [[Great Sky Kingdom]]
1,452 AI to 1,483 AI, Rule of King [[Llawffagain Ontigure]] of [[Magdala]]
1,452 AI to 1,483 AI, Rule of King [[Llawffagain Ontigure]] of [[Magdala]]
Line 316: Line 331:
:~1,520 AI to 1,760 AI, [[Jaffgorn Giants]] descend from mountain fastnesses and occupy the Upper Kasthavunian River Valley
:~1,520 AI to 1,760 AI, [[Jaffgorn Giants]] descend from mountain fastnesses and occupy the Upper Kasthavunian River Valley
:1540 to 1710, expansion and empire of the [[Liao Lüng]] Tribes of north central Asdauria, flourishing in their mountain fastnesses of the [[Idrakanian Mountains]] and the [[Obduspal Mountains]].
:~1,560 AI to 1,840 AI (~180 yrs), Dominion of Lizardfolk of Baihu
:~1,560 AI to 1,840 AI (~180 yrs), Dominion of Lizardfolk of Baihu
Line 348: Line 365:
:1977 Chaos Fleet docks at Magdë
:1977 Chaos Fleet docks at Magdë
:1977 Chaos Fleet sacks [[Aurice (City)]] and abides there
:1977 Chaos Fleet sacks [[Aurice (City)]] and abides there
:1978 Chaos Fleet visits Gorga, Throvy.
:1978 Chaos Fleet visits Gorga, Lucacia.
:1978 Chaos Fleet sacks Zeptril, Ardné Island.
:1978 Chaos Fleet sacks Zeptril, Ardné Island.
:1978 Chaos Fleet visits Stroultë Island, sails into the Shadevan Delta, visits Geistrogot, Lygdania, Arolcondi, and site of [[G'am Ophusír]], Battle ensues, unfavorable outcome, sails to [[Shadmouthton]], up the [[Shadew River]], reaches first cataract [[Brewde Shadew]] and make offerings to River God, [[Shadew]], abides, and then makes return
:1978 Chaos Fleet visits Stroultë Island, sails into the Shadevan Delta, visits Geistrogot, Lygdania, Arolcondi, and site of [[G'am Ophusír]], Battle ensues, unfavorable outcome, sails to [[Shadmouthton]], up the [[Shadew River]], reaches first cataract [[Brewde Shadew]] and make offerings to River God, [[Shadew]], abides, and then makes return
Line 364: Line 381:
:1981 Chaos Fleet visits [[Tiomaire]], Corundy
:1981 Chaos Fleet visits [[Tiomaire]], Corundy
:1982 Chaos Fleet visits [[Tinchozzo]]
:1982 Chaos Fleet visits [[Tinchozzo]]
:1982 Chaos Fleet visits Gar-Gedden
:1982 Chaos Fleet visits [[Zamzafara]]
:1982 Chaos Fleet visits [[Beh-Shelub]]
:1982 Chaos Fleet visits [[Beh-Shelub]]
:1982 Chaos Fleet visits Ophasic
:1982 Chaos Fleet visits Ophasic
Line 390: Line 407:
:1986 [[Enoultseyrand]]
:1986 [[Enoultseyrand]]
:1986 [[Ophia]]
:1986 [[Ophia]]
:1987 [[Gantaleth]], Hœrnect, abides
:1987 [[Jemhu]], Omre, abides
:1988 Tsir Ombat
:1988 Tsir Ombat
:1988 [[Benjalay]], disbands Fleet
:1988 [[Benjalay]], disbands Fleet
Line 399: Line 416:
;2,000 AI Strife between Chaos Warriors
;2,000 AI Strife between Chaos Warriors
;2210 AI to 2190 AI: Late Age of Chaos
;2110 AI to 2190 AI: Late Age of Chaos
2153 AI to 2186 AI, Gorcorumbese War (Strakkos vs Zerekos)
2153 AI to 2186 AI, Gorcorumbese War (Strakkos vs Zerekos)
Line 410: Line 427:
;2290 AI to 2370 AI: Decline of Chaos Rule
;2290 AI to 2370 AI: Decline of Chaos Rule
;2241 AI to 2350 AI: [[Isbajutha]]
;2241 AI to 2423 AI: [[Isbajutha]]
2241 AI to 2245 AI, [[First Isbajath]]
2241 AI to 2245 AI, [[First Isbajath]]
Line 469: Line 486:
2332 AI to 2337 AI, [[Thirteenth Isbajath]], Dhaalizoond, later Knights of the Seven Seals
2332 AI to 2337 AI, [[Thirteenth Isbajath]], Dhaalizoond, later Knights of the Seven Seals
2347 AI to 2351 AI, [[Isbajath of the Initiates]], [[Hœrnect]]
2347 AI to 2351 AI, [[Isbajath of the Initiates]], [[Omre]]
2351 AI to 2357 AI, The [[Isbajath of the Great Sky King]], Thrace (failed)
2351 AI to 2357 AI, The [[Isbajath of the Great Sky King]], Thrace (failed)
Line 475: Line 492:
:2357 [[Great Tambrigaline Concordat with Oliblish]]
:2357 [[Great Tambrigaline Concordat with Oliblish]]
2355 AI to 2358 AI, The [[Hœrnectian Isbajath]], Kumonaggi
:2355 AI to 2358 AI, The [[Omrekheen Isbajath]], Kumonaggi
:2363 AI to 2366 AI, The [[Isbajath of the Ajassyans]], against the Ithrabbi, [[Bohktuh Yure]]
2363 AI to 2366 AI, The [[Isbajath of the Ajassyans]], against the Ithrabbi, [[Bohktuh Yure]]
:2370 AI to 2372 AI, [[Laugyathund's Isbajath]], Eastern Ptohlia
2370 AI to 2372 AI, [[Laugyathund's Isbajath]], Eastern Ptohlia
:2373 AI to 2375 AI, [[King Tulcam's Isbajath]], against the Dracknaughts of northern Bahuna
2373 AI to 2375 AI, [[King Tulcam's Isbajath]], against the Dracknaughts of northern Bahuna
:2378 AI to 2379 AI, [[Nardassœa's Isbajath]], Disdrire Forest (failed)
2378 AI to 2379 AI, [[Nardassœa's Isbajath]], Disdrire Forest (failed)
:2391 [[Battle of the Padparadscha Magi]], fought in the skies of [[Medibgö]], the battle saw the [[Padparadscha Magi]] slay [[Ddägduch Lord of the Flying Earth]]
Line 496: Line 515:
:2490 to 2575: [[New Kalikán Empire]]
:2490 to 2575: [[New Kalikán Empire]]
:2498 [[Agomi Damijo]], [[Gorcorumb]]ese noblewoman leaves on a voyage in a [[dragonbarge]] to circumnavigate the world, 2498-2501
:2498-2501 [[Agomi Damijo]], [[Gorcorumb]]ese sea explorer circumnavigates globe in a [[dragonbarge]]. She writes of her discoveries.
:2508 to 2520: [[First Geddamin War]]
:2508 to 2520: [[First Geddamin War]]
:2516: Establishment of the [[Skymark Federation]], Figurehead Monarchy of Dewyddair
:2516: Establishment of the [[Skymark Federation]], Figurehead Monarchy of Dewyddair
:2525: [[Accord of the Princes of Law (2525 AI)]]
:2525: [[Accord of the Princes of Law]] (2525 AI)
:2527 to 2530: [[Second Geddamin War]]
:2527 to 2530: [[Second Geddamin War]]
Line 533: Line 556:
:2613: [[Gensk Revolution]] Gensk Paladins and revolutionaries overthrow the subject monarchy of Gonsk, declare independence from Gneikladas, and create a republic.
:2613: [[Gensk Revolution]] Gensk Paladins and revolutionaries overthrow the subject monarchy of Gonsk, declare independence from Gneikladas, and create a republic.
:2623 Emperor of Magdala gives autonomy to the [[Sovereign Archguild of Master Titancrafters of Pytharnia]]
:2623 Emperor of Magdala gives autonomy to the [[Sovereign Archguild of Master Titancrafters of Pytharnia]]
:2633: High Peers of Asbardy elect [[Folmag Smaggcladdas]] to become Archduke of Asbardy
:2634 [[Battle of Kadraskan]]
:2634 [[Battle of Kadraskan]]
:2638 to 2639 [[First Rhovundian War (2638 to 2639)]]
:2638 to 2639 [[First Rhovundian War (2638 to 2639)]]

Latest revision as of 07:09, 16 February 2025


19,243 AS Founding of Ambróctë

17,907 AS Founding of Chrysopolis

15,342 AS Founding of Kathyasundi

12,087 AS Founding of Imiraldic, Bukalaa

11,800 AS to 8,300 AS Vorudian Cataclysms

11,773 AS Great Flood of Aturyanda

10,900 AS to 7770 AS: Mini Ice Age

9,000 AS

8,763 AS Founding of Dwarven Tauhad

8,000 AS
Founding of dwarven Gered Sinna (in Gdelisica), 7594 AS by Qaish'aa Dwarves from the Ithrads.
Giants found Aturoksha sometime before 7,000 AS as a refuge from calamities
7,000 AS

6,303 AS -- Founding of Dwarven Themet (Jaggudorns, Capital Gahaudda)

6,000 AS

5,000 AS

ca 4,300 AS: Neptultchi arrive in southwest Pytharnia and promptly conquer Bryndyd

4250 AS to 3950 AS: Dzhehiu Dimak of Pytharnia and Bukalaa

4200 AS to 2400 AS (1800 yrs), Kingdom of Tirios

4,000 AS

3,824 AS, establishment of Dwarven Eingred

ca 2650 AS, Amirsìn, King and founder of Arisparikohos
2600 AS to 2000: Kingdom of Arisparikohos (Post-Tayhoyre River Civilization)

3,000 AS

3000 to 2001 AS

2914 AS: Cataclysm of the Screeching Maidens

2,400 to 1775 AS, dispersal of the Pallathantic Tribes through the eastern Pallathantic Tribes

2,332 AS Founding of Dwarven Dagdoria

2400 AS to 1775 AS (625 yrs): Kingdom of Thykomos

ca 2700 AS: Sometime in the late third millennium, the Disdrirn Elves create the Thornwall to keep out humans encroaching from the south.

2000 AS

1,923 AS, Eruption of Mount Ardinth (1923 AS)

1775 AS to 1250 AS (525 yrs) Kingdom of Thykomos

ca 1760 AS, departure of Xsytes from southwest Pytharnia to Xsys

ca 1,550 AS, final collapse of Neptultchi Civilization in High Pytharnia

1250 AS to 825 AS (~ 425 yrs) Island Principalities of Ithatia

1,150 AS, Advent of Thwarrish Gwenyan Tribes to eastern Vale of Shadew

1,189 AS to 1,132 AS, Reign of Ancient King of High Gwenyan Tribes (royal bigamy), lived 719 AS to 632 AS

1,050 AS, Advent of Gwenyan Tribes to Thrace

ca 1,023, Birth of Amirulliam (Envys), son of Isxinthion god Thwar and Elamahti Airise


ca 950 AS, Kaajin Briel born, Parkyon Tribe

ca 940 AS, birth of Vädumani

925 AS, Kaajin Briel makes pacts with devils, and begins process of becoming Taarnascious

Jaffgorn Wars

907 AS, Battle of Sklaä, Envys defeats Taarnascious and his undead minions

900's AS

800's AS

700 to 601 AS

ca 700 to 475 AS; Midrinksi Tribes migrate in waves into western Lucacia and Kalama Peninsula

675 AS Possible birth year of legendary Addan, attributed to the seventh century before Salmakhamer

600 AS to 501 AS

568 AS, Birth of Myddarddowen, demi-mortal son of Kiall (Parkulliam, Parkyos)

558 AS, Birth of K’aiu; half Parkyon, half Jamyá; father is Jamyá shaman and mother was Parkyon; companion to Envys

541 AS; Invention of Skycraft; Envys and his companion K'aiu invent skycraft; K'aiu teaches Jamyá and Parkyons how to make and use skycraft; Envys teaches Kalikán how to make and use skycraft

530 AS, Death of K'aiu

517 AS, Birth of Graiund, demi-mortal son of Thwar

523 AS, Ancestral Rift of Sky; Parkyons leave Thrace under King Myddarddowen to Colnoria (Pre-Parkyon, Pre-Medibgösk),

ca 520 AS to 510 AS, Goblin Wars; Parkyons and allied tribes in Colnoria and Jasturia fight goblin tribes

400's AS

300's AS

200's AS

ca 250 AS - Goldenlings migration under compulsion to Erechóreb

227 AS to 225 AS, Parkyons and allied tribes emigrate from Colnoria to Dewyddair

200 AS

198 AS, Meidb, son of Rhio and Safreti, is born, conqueror of Medibgösk Giants and eponymous heroic founder of Medibgö.

100 AS

00's AI

1 AI Coming of the Prophet Salmakhamer -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --



208 AI Birth of Aireánnau 225 AI Birth of Erithráigean, firstborn of Aireánnau, son of Arathrax; beginning of the Yophenthean Calendar

ca 240 AI, Zeo dominates northeastern Danona, united disparate tribes and peoples under his rule. His empire does not survive his death.

ca 250 AI, consolidation of Yophenthean Rule of Erechóreb

263 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Island of Erethrob

287 AI, Battle of Deliopian Strait, Midretassene Navy defeats Elystrine Navy

298 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Islands of the Sea of the Dead


301 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Gluvo Island (Pytharnian Sea)

307 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Achoronórsë

309 to 323 Midretassene Conquest of southern Agogia

316 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Rhonia (Danona)

319 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of the Giant Isles

323 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of southeast Nymentho ca 325 AI, the Tyskvál sky tribe of Colnoria-Jasturia migrates in Jaibus and skycraft to the sky over the Bastards Sea, just south of Ganter Island. They subsist in jaibus for over a hundred years and then disappear and reappear in recorded history dwelling in the sky over the western Pallathantic, vanishing from history sometime after the Fall of Yophenthea.

327 AI Midretassene conquest of eastern Dúrandwor

332 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of southern Rhafindwor

337 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Myernerth

342 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Ganter Island

344 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of greater Nymentho (but not Xsys)

348 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Gaffaden Island (Pytharnian Sea)

362 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Xsys

389 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Rhafindwor and Rhevia

397 AI Midretassene Conquest of western Dúrandwor


415 AI, Battle of Curchása, Midretassene Defeat of Moigthe Tribes in High Pytharnia

445 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Bryndyd

458 AI, AI, Yophenthean Conquest of upper Durrhaunve (Amyrn)

469 AI, Battle of Danallo, Yophentheans defeat some of the Moigthe Tribes in Pytharnia

470 AI

473 AI to 485 AI, Thursar War, 473 to 485

481 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Pemphelas Island, Barathorn

487 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Thrysto

492 AI to 513 AI Zelukian War Yophenthea wars against Midretasso and her allies; Midretassene General, Gargastin wages war against Erechóreb


503 AI, Kingdom of Jerushabla becomes client state of Yophenthean Empire

508 AI, Narshad allies with Yophenthean Empire

513 AI Battle of Siul concludes the Zelukian War, Yophenthean conquest of Midretassene Empire follows (Dúrandwor, Ithatia, Midretasso, Ebinóë, Shadevan Delta, Orthont, Lucacia, Coastal Erserce)

515 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Deliops

515 AI to 553 AI, War

521 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Ebinóë

529 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Khesheph

532 AI, Rhovundian tribes become clients of Yophenthean Empire

537 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of western Midretasso (Corundy)

547 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of High Midretasso (Johaulia)

552 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Dúrandwor

553 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of east Midretasso (Corundy)

553 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of southern Shadevan (Kumeikenot), Kumeimidir Giants become auxiliaries

559 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Maturn

567 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Agogia

567 AI, Narshad again becomes allied state of Yophenthean Empire

569 AI, Dwarven Commonwealth of the Ithrads becomes client state of Yophenthean Empire

574 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Jecubia (Lucacia)

582 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Ersercean Coastline 586 AI, Orthont becomes client state of Yophenthea

587 AI, Jerushabla becomes province of Yophenthean Empire

591 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of High Pytharnia (Trevirs)

599 AI, Battle of the Scintillant Orbs: Medibgö becomes client state of Yophenthean Empire


607 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of Beh-Shelub (Shelekhumbia)

608 AI, Ambrulian Giants become client state of Yophenthean Empire

613 AI, Orthont becomes province of Yophenthean Empire

627 AI, Kingdom of Dagdoria becomes client state

633 AI, Yophenthean Conquest of greater Erserce

649 AI, King of Parkyons becomes client (and thus all Dewyddair) of the Yophenthean Empire

~670 AI, Codex format arises in Corundy or in Mirrhaimo

681 AI, Elves of central Pytharnia (Disdrire) become tributaries of the Yophenthean Empire


743 AI Birth of Shaqtirah
751 to 755, Elanaivese War
754 to 763, Great Kalikán War


837 to 840: Invasion of Gavalúkh the Skylord, 833 to 840
837: Mustering of the Tuvarions
838: Wintering near what is modern Borenlas
839: Sack of Bryndyd
840 AI, First Sack of Yophénthë
867 AI; Edict of Culfarran of the Supreme Heliarch; Rites of the Sun Cult extended to all humans and humanlikes who qualify
879 AI; High Clergy of the Arathracian Church gather in Aglidice for the Council of Aglidice which formulates the Aglidicene Creed, establishing the nature of the deity Arathrax.


Resurgence of the Old Religion, ca 930 to ca 1140: some sectors of former Yophenthean Empire revert from Arathracianism to the worship of the gods of the Old Religion
932 AI Second Sack of Yophénthë
986 AI Third Sack of Yophénthë, Fire-bombing with whetcoal, Turantúve, High Priest (Heliocrat?) of the Sun, slain ignominiously 986 AI by Chief Väduskal of the Kalikán
986 AI Fall of Yophénthë; Sky Gods and Coalition of Jaggudornish skyfaring tribes invade

~990 AI to ~1140 AI: Rule of the Golden Empire of Pytharnia

~995 AI to 1,003 AI: March of Graish'rjaa through Western Jaggudorn valleys down Chaosflow River into the Shadevan Delta.


1,000 AI Yophenthean Successor States, Erechóreb and Nymentho under Mipnor Hegemony

1,056 AI Karakuliar from western Osfandia settle in northern Pytharnia by the Sea of Orska


1,100 AI Yophenthean Successor States, Decline
Ambrasian Reformation
1110 AI to 1140 AI, re-establishment of Amrulon as primary divinity with mixture of old and new theology. Religious movement centered upon Amyrn and the temple cult of the sun god.

~1,140 AI Fall of the Golden Empire of Pytharnia

1198 AI to 1287 AI, Life of Ammudiyn the Seer of God, the great prophet of the Imzaha Religion.


ca 1200 AI Sky, sky domains carved out, sky ruler with sky aristocrats
ca 1260: The Asbard Sky Tribe migrates from Jamenth to what becomes Asbardy
1261, Elaksund the Conqueror, invades Bryndyd and becomes Lord of Bryndyd
ca 1280: Medibgösk Settlement of Gonfaloy


1,300 AI Sky, First Kalikán Empire Basgáddin the Conqueror

~1,360 AI, establishment of the Priestesses of Magdisuma


1,400 AI Sky, Golden Age, (1440 to 1520) (see Golden Age of Sky)

1,437 AI, War of the Allies (1429 to 1437) comes to conclusion with the Fall of the First Kalikán Empire

1448: Creation of the Skymark Kingdom, at the conclusion of the Strembaflag War, 1440 to 1448, end of Growyddan Dynasty and end of the Great Sky Kingdom

1,452 AI to 1,483 AI, Rule of King Llawffagain Ontigure of Magdala


1,500 AI Humanlike invasions, skyfaring humanlikes
~1,520 AI to 1,760 AI, Jaffgorn Giants descend from mountain fastnesses and occupy the Upper Kasthavunian River Valley
1540 to 1710, expansion and empire of the Liao Lüng Tribes of north central Asdauria, flourishing in their mountain fastnesses of the Idrakanian Mountains and the Obduspal Mountains.
~1,560 AI to 1,840 AI (~180 yrs), Dominion of Lizardfolk of Baihu
1,572, Leviathanic War begins, some Jaffgorn tribes use skycraft to conquer human tribes


1,600 AI Humanlike Kingdoms

1650 AI to 2000 AI: Great Kingdom of the Bearfolk

~1,670 AI to 1,890 AI (~320 yrs), Goblinlikes occupy the Basthavudan Valley

Pytharnia: Onslaught of Goblinlikes, Beastfolk, Disdrire Trolls, Driamidir (Forest Giants), Gishak (Frog men), Hyrseka (salamander men), Jaffgorn Giants, Mimbbukes (Pytharnian Halflings), Ogres, Pytharnian Gnomes, Pytharnian Satyr, Quirth (rat men) 1683: Founding of Lugdunia by Vitrarrig the Somnolent and others in Charst


1,700 AI Magedoms (struggle between Human Mages and Humanlikes)

~1,715 AI Centaur invasion and occupation of Lower Agogia


1,800 AI (Humans turn more and more to Chaos Wizardry to defeat Humanlike enemies)
Sometimes called the "Age of Dragons and Steel"

1800 AI to 2350 AI: MIDDLE AGES OF CHAOS (550 yrs)

1800 AI to 1990 AI: Rise of the Chaos Sorcerers


1,977 AI Creation of the Chaos Fleet
1977 Gwona and Jarumbodius of Niahore create the Chaos Fleet. They avow several purposes, one of which is the finding of the true Juffa.
1977 Chaos Fleet docks at Magdë
1977 Chaos Fleet sacks Aurice (City) and abides there
1978 Chaos Fleet visits Gorga, Lucacia.
1978 Chaos Fleet sacks Zeptril, Ardné Island.
1978 Chaos Fleet visits Stroultë Island, sails into the Shadevan Delta, visits Geistrogot, Lygdania, Arolcondi, and site of G'am Ophusír, Battle ensues, unfavorable outcome, sails to Shadmouthton, up the Shadew River, reaches first cataract Brewde Shadew and make offerings to River God, Shadew, abides, and then makes return
1979 Chaos Fleet revisits G'am Ophusír and engages in second battle with better outcome.
1979 Chaos Fleet docks at Kumeikë
1980 Chaos Fleet visits Bardi
1980 Chaos Fleet visits Cetibrymio and Johaulia. Stays in Bay of Cetibrymio for balance of year through 1980.
1981 Chaos Fleet visits Elystrio
1981 Chaos Fleet visits Verdida, Dúrandwor, abides for some time
1981 Chaos Fleet visits Gnousikai, Maturn
1981 Chaos Fleet visits Zamaclë
1981 Chaos Fleet visits Fandamion, Trias Island
1981 Chaos Fleet docks at Desthorion, Desthor Island
1981 Chaos Fleet visits Airdemain, Corundy
1981 Chaos Fleet visits Tiomaire, Corundy
1982 Chaos Fleet visits Tinchozzo
1982 Chaos Fleet visits Zamzafara
1982 Chaos Fleet visits Beh-Shelub
1982 Chaos Fleet visits Ophasic
1982 Chaos Fleet visits Phadirum
1982 Chaos Fleet visits Keyma
1983 Chaos Fleet visits Bamuth Nesir
1983 Storm of God repels the Chaos Fleet from port of Tishereth
1983 Chaos Fleet visits Talil
1983 Chaos Fleet visits Aglidice
1983 Chaos Fleet visits Ddwbha
1983 Chaos Fleet visits Rhiamnus
1983 Chaos Fleet visits Otorn
1983 Chaos Fleet visits Glammath
1983 Chaos Fleet visits Gantron, Ganter Island
1983 Chaos Fleet visits Thrakemoor, Asbardy
1984 Chaos Fleet visits Asberdon, Asbardy
1984 Chaos Fleet visits Bryndyd, Asbardy; abides in Bryndyd
1984 Chaos Fleet visits Rustleteave
1984 Chaos Fleet visits Isles of the Giants
1984 Chaos Fleet visits Naquir
1985 Chaos Fleet visits Siul, has Court with Queen Dáwan, abides there
1985 Chaos Fleet invades Samachta, Erechóreb, Invasion of the Chaos Fleet (1985 AI)
1986 Chaos Fleet docks at Achoronórsë
1986 Selexis
1986 Enoultseyrand
1986 Ophia
1987 Jemhu, Omre, abides
1988 Tsir Ombat
1988 Benjalay, disbands Fleet

1990 to 2110: Ascendancy of the Human Chaos Sorcerers


2,000 AI Strife between Chaos Warriors


2110 AI to 2190 AI
Late Age of Chaos

2153 AI to 2186 AI, Gorcorumbese War (Strakkos vs Zerekos)

2166 AI to 2224 AI
Anarch Wars


2290 AI to 2370 AI
Decline of Chaos Rule
2241 AI to 2423 AI

2241 AI to 2245 AI, First Isbajath

2249 AI to 2251 AI, The Ascetics' Isbajath, Thrysto

2250 AI to 2252 AI, Second Isbajath, Narshad

2251 AI to 2255 AI, Third Isbajath, Ebinóë

2251 AI to 2254 AI, Ambrew's Crusade, Brandolphi (failed)

2257 AI to 2260 AI, Fourth Isbajath, Maturn

2265 AI to 2267 AI, Isbajath of the Penitents, Johaulia

2275 AI to 2278 AI, Fifth Isbajath, Aurice

2284 AI to 2287 AI, Isbajath of the Knights-Magi, Vayidsa

2259 AI to 2261 AI, The Dúrandworse Isbajath, Dúrandwor

2283 AI to 2286 AI, Sixth Isbajath (Shelekhumbia)

2286 AI to 2289 AI, the Petitioner's Isbajath, Sattalos, Adamantine Mountains

2286 AI to 2288 AI, Paphutaikim's Isbajath (Weshif, against the Djinn)

2287 AI to 2302 AI, Seventh Isbajath, Bryndyd (Bexaloth, Archmage of Infinite Chaos)

2290 AI to 2296 AI, Eighth Isbajath, Erechóreb, vs. Titney the Magnificent Pest (successor to many previous chaos rulers of Erechóreb)

2295 AI to 2297 AI, Daikhubiya's Isbajath, (Three Isles of the Giants)

2297 AI to 2298 AI, The Isbajath of Sulmayand the Valiant, Amyrn

2297 AI to 2302 AI, the Xsytes' Isbajath, Xsys

2297: Reduction of powers of the Monarchy of the Skymark Kingdom, beginning of transition to constitutional monarchy


2301 AI to 2306 AI, Ninth Isbajath, Jykki of Central Danona

2303 AI to 2307 AI, Tenth Isbajath, Zarajove

2306 AI to 2309 AI, Lord Chulffarrin's Isbajath, western Dewyddair, Barathorn

2307 AI to 2309 AI, Eleventh Isbajath, Conquest of Oliblish

2310 AI, Isbajath of the High Magdalans, Amosgire Hills

2313 AI to 2317 AI, Twelfth Isbajath, Trevirs

2321 AI to 2322 AI, The Isbajath of the Knights of Itzsaadi, southwestern Barathorn

2327 AI to 2329 AI, TheOathmakers' Isbajath, Agogia

2332 AI to 2337 AI, Thirteenth Isbajath, Dhaalizoond, later Knights of the Seven Seals

2347 AI to 2351 AI, Isbajath of the Initiates, Omre

2351 AI to 2357 AI, The Isbajath of the Great Sky King, Thrace (failed)

2357 Great Tambrigaline Concordat with Oliblish
2355 AI to 2358 AI, The Omrekheen Isbajath, Kumonaggi
2363 AI to 2366 AI, The Isbajath of the Ajassyans, against the Ithrabbi, Bohktuh Yure
2370 AI to 2372 AI, Laugyathund's Isbajath, Eastern Ptohlia
2373 AI to 2375 AI, King Tulcam's Isbajath, against the Dracknaughts of northern Bahuna
2378 AI to 2379 AI, Nardassœa's Isbajath, Disdrire Forest (failed)
2391 Battle of the Padparadscha Magi, fought in the skies of Medibgö, the battle saw the Padparadscha Magi slay Ddägduch Lord of the Flying Earth


2417 to 2423 The Isbajath of the Warrior-Sons (Shagrela'al)
2445 to 2490: Medibgóëse Protectorates (45 yrs)
2450 to 2750: MODERN AGE (300 yrs)
2479: Establishment of the Commonwealth of Sardeichs
2490 to 2575: New Kalikán Empire
2498 Agomi Damijo, Gorcorumbese noblewoman leaves on a voyage in a dragonbarge to circumnavigate the world, 2498-2501


2498-2501 Agomi Damijo, Gorcorumbese sea explorer circumnavigates globe in a dragonbarge. She writes of her discoveries.
2508 to 2520: First Geddamin War
2516: Establishment of the Skymark Federation, Figurehead Monarchy of Dewyddair
2525: Accord of the Princes of Law (2525 AI)
2527 to 2530: Second Geddamin War
2550 to 2556: Third Geddamin War
2561 Aurician Annexation of Erserce, ordered by Lukkha Sampushá of Aurice, Baimund Kaligär
2565 Baimund Kaligär defeats viceregal duke of Erserce in personal combat and expands his dominion into southern Erserce. Thrace privately determines to eliminate him.
2568 to 2575: Great Sky War (8 yrs)
2568 to 2581:: Fourth Geddamin War
2576: Aurician Seizure of Transalpine Agogia
2576 to 2586: Skaligdæse War
2582 to 2586: Fifth Geddamin War
2586: Treaty of Rhafyx (2586) concludes the Fifth Geddamin War between Aurice and Gorcorumb
2586: Battle of Mount Wakesnow, Some parts of Skymark Federation rebel and gain independence.
2589 to 2591: Shadevan War secures the Shadevan for Aurice after the Annexation of the Shadevan.
2593 Gneikladas begins wars of expansion in southwestern Barathorn


2603 Addanmoon 17 Great Fire of Trevirs
2604 Invention of the Pantypos
2609 to 2617: Gneikladasic War
2613: Gensk Revolution Gensk Paladins and revolutionaries overthrow the subject monarchy of Gonsk, declare independence from Gneikladas, and create a republic.
2623 Emperor of Magdala gives autonomy to the Sovereign Archguild of Master Titancrafters of Pytharnia
2633: High Peers of Asbardy elect Folmag Smaggcladdas to become Archduke of Asbardy
2634 Battle of Kadraskan
2638 to 2639 First Rhovundian War (2638 to 2639)
2639 to 2644 Ibrevese War (2639 to 2644)
2641 to 2644 Second Rhovundian War (2641 to 2644)
2642 Rhiomel 7 Discovery of the Guth Perncha Treasure in Aurician Metropolis
2643 to 2649 First Mamnorcian War (2643 to 2649)
2647 to 2649 Igdirian War (2647 to 2649)
2650 to 2653 Second Mamnorcian War (2650 to 2653)
2651 to 2657 First Streionian War (2651 to 2657)
2652 to 2658 Axophotian War (2652 to 2658)
2654 to 2655 First Ebernian War (2654 to 2655)
2654 to 2661 War of the Shakhumbla Göband (2654 to 2661)
2655 to 2656 Orlangissan Uprising (2655 to 2656)
2657: Uhlaks begin use of the tsagar, a heavy dwarvenfire rifle
2663 to 2668 First War of the Brasen Horde (2663 to 2668)
2664 to 2667 Second Ebernian War (2664 to 2667)
2668 Thykomian Revolt
2668 to 2671 Second Streionian War (2668 to 2671)
2671 Peace of Amyrn (2671)
2675 to 2682 Second War of the Brasen Horde (2675 to 2682)]]
2681 Battle of Tarobunjat
2684 Liberation of Jerushabla and Narshad (2684)
2685 Treaty of Johaulia (2685)
2691 Great Seven
2691 to 2694 Bijälenlander Uprising
2693 Liberation of Thrysto (2693)
2609 to 2617: Gneikladasic War
2613: Gensk paladins and revolutionaries overthrow the subject monarchy of Gonsk, declare independence from Gneikladas, and create a republic.
2614 to 2632: Trooskan War, colonial conflict between Aurice and Asbardy over New Pytharnia
2617: Defeat of the Gneikladasic Empire; core lands of empire become Dragonfirth.
2621: Emperor of Pytharnia, Medibglame II charters the Dwarven Dragonrail Guild of Pytharnia
2632: Second Treaty of Yophénthë (2632)
2634 Battle of Kadraskan ends the Aurician Revolution. Senatorial forces defeat the Bijälians.
2638 to 2639: First Rhovundian War
2639 to 2644: Ibrevese War
2641 to 2644: Second Rhovundian War
2643 to 2649: First Mamnorcian War
2645 to 2667: Construction of the Elmundel Canal
2647 to 2649: Igdirian War
2648 to 2672: Construction of the Bamarra Canal
2650 to 2653: Second Mamnorcian War
2651 to 2657: First Streionian War
2652 to 2658: Axophotian War
2654 to 2655: First Ebernian War
2653 to 2671: Sewdhaine War engulfs southern Pytharnia
2654 to 2661: War of the Great Khan Göband
2655 to 2656: Orlangissan Uprising
2663 to 2668: First War of the Brasen Horde
2664 to 2667: Second Ebernian War
2668 to 2671: Second Streionian War
2670: Battle of Tisponios Reef
2670 to 2750: Nation-Empires (~80 yrs)
2671: Centaur Streionia becomes client-state to Aurician Empire
2673 to 2694: Five Locks Project creates the Grand Shadew Canal
2681: Battle of Tarobunjat, foreshadows end of Second War of the Brasen Horde
2675 to 2682: Second War of the Brasen Horde
2653 to 2671: Sewdhaine War (Great Civil War in Pytharnian Empire)
2698: Ishthiya Plot of 2698 Attempt to overthrow the appointed Incarnandina


See Also