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The Draconian Ocean stretches through the southwestern portion of the Old World and communicates with the Askonian Ocean.

The Draconian Ocean is likely the largest body of water on the world of Asdar. The southeastern portion of the Draconian Ocean fills much of the southern hemisphere of the Old World. It communicates with the Askonian Ocean, the Boreal Ocean, and through the Strait of Skaligdæ with the Austral Ocean. The Shadrimporee Archipelago rests between the Askonian Ocean and the Draconian Ocean. Similarly, the great isle of Skaligdæ rests between the Draconian Ocean and the Austral Ocean. The Draconian Ocean is one of the least traversed oceans due to its great extent and the greatness of its occasional storms and cyclones. It is rarely crossed by even titancraft skycraft and most voyagers prefer to skirt its edges, such as by means of Bahuna, Skaligdæ, Jittagogg, southern Orrhymby, or even Antarctica.

The eastern portion of the Draconian Ocean fills the Old World.

See Also