Amandal Plateau

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Map of the Amandal Plateau in the central and southern Jaggudorns

The Amandal Plateau is the rooftop of the Jaggudorn Mountains and home to the ancient indigenous Amandal Dwarves. Historically, the plateau has been the great barrier between the Thwarrish Tribes of Thrace and the Donavish Tribes of Pytharnia. Despite the name 'plateau,' the region is hardly flat and is crisscrossed with a hundred or more very high mountain peaks and adjoining high mountain valleys.

It is sometimes called 'Amandalia' or place of the Amandals. Due to the harsh climate, the Amandal Plateau is sparsely inhabited. Nevertheless, it is home to the Amandal Dwarves and the Jaffgorn Giants. Few humans make their homes in the Plateau, preferring the high mountain valleys on the edges of the Jaggudorns which are more conducive to pasturing gontha. While the whole region is called the Amandal Plateau, the northern portion is dominated by the Jaffgorn Giants. Goblinlikes are common in the Uglyami Plateau and the border valleys with the Savage Plateau.

The source of the Shadew River is in the Amandal Plateau and an important pilgrimage site for devotees of the god Shadew. Several high lakes are found in the plateau, including Demonfrost Lake between the Valleys of the Snowbears and the Dragondawn Plateau.

The plateau can be divided into smaller regions called the Wyvern Plateau, the Jaffgorn Plateau, the Uglyami Plateau, the Valleys of the Snowbears, and the Dragondawn Plateau. These are all dangerous for outsiders as there is little central authority. This is especially true for the Uglyami Plateau, the Valleys of the Snowbears, and the Dragondawn Plateau which are not part of the Amandal Republic.

Glaciers and precipitous slopes of the Amandal Plateau

Amandal Dwarves

The Amandal Dwarves claim they have dwelt in the plateau since before the Flood of Aturyanda. They are possessors of great and ancient wisdom. The Amandal Dwarves differ from the Ithradic Dwarves in appearance, language, and customs. Since the neighboring kingdoms and commonwealths of the dwarves were settled by colonies of the Ithradic dwarves, the Amandals are distinct. The Amandal dwarves practice martial arts and their religion endorses the worship of the whole universe through meditation. Amandal dwarven monks are not uncommon in the high Jaggudorns. The Amandals are governed by a theocratic republic.

Jaffgorn Giants

The Jaffgorn giants, like their kind in general, do not have a high birthrate, but are fierce in war. Their strongholds in the high valleys are secured by the dizzying heights that they tower over the lower valleys. The Jaffgorn giants are usually at peace with the dwarves and usually at work with the goblinlikes who are adept at fighting their much larger neighbors to the south.


The greatest city of the plateau is Tukkatan, the capital of the Amandal Republic. Other cities in the republic include Nucala, Lakkabud Qhai, Tocruna, Tocolala, Mingabula, and Jomula Qhai. Important Jaffgorn cities include Nahugolin, Igidumaikok, S'agwak'e, T'eh'egwagwe, and Jaffgorundjala. Ondop'eeha is an autonomous Jaffgorn settlement.

See Also

List of the Continents and Regions of Old World Asdar
Antarctica Asdauria Barathorn and Orrhymby Danona Pallathantic Sea Pytharnia Sungo and Gwo-Dao Two Bahunas
Antarctic Continent Proper


Dravernian Peninsula
Glaike Peninsula
Jebo Island


North Orrhymby
Green Coast of Danona
Wild Coast of Danona
Danonan Deserts
Massady Geth Mountains
Giant Isles
Golden Isles
Ithatian Islands

Major Isles

Thykomian Islands

Major Isles

Minor Isles

Pallathantic Coast

High Pytharnia
Southeast Pytharnia
West Coast



New Pytharnia
Old Zephasia
Shadrimporee Archipelago
Wild Dracks
Tiludzu Plateau
Great Yameed Desert
Jahbaba Phût
Sh'am Phût
Sh'amkhaz Mountains
Abchuepi Desert
Govimbu Forest
Hadzingwe Peninsula
Jangwe Zanyo
Khuluhu Desert
Taliospa Island