Ithatian Islands
The Pallathantic Sea swells with a thousand islands and islets. The eastern half is home to the Ithatian Islands which are divided up among the Aurician Empire, the Republic of Ithatia, and the little Republic of Gliri. The Ithatian Isles enjoy a mild winter due to the sea without any snow, except for the highest mountain peaks. The summers can be particularly warm and humid except when monsoons sail in from the south and the southeast in late summer. The largest islands are Deliops, Maturn, Gliri, and Zander, unless one includes Kumeikënot Island. Although the islands are meager in terms of geographic surface, there are hundreds of miles of shoreline.
The Ithatian Islands are the homeland of the Ithatian Tribes that immigrated by sea ships from western Asdauria over three thousand years ago. These sea-going tribes displaced and absorbed the earlier Pallathantic Tribes. The cycle of immigration, invasion, and settlement is repeated in the isles of the sea as it is on the land. The Ithatian isles have been since colonized by Midretassenes, Yophentheans, and Sky Tribes. The Republic of Ithatia is the largest state and staunchly defends itself against the further loss of its territory, especially to the Aurician Empire.
Like much of the Pallathantic Coast, the islands are dependent upon the sea for resources and transportation. The islands are within easy reach of Pytharnia and Corundy. The Shadevan Delta and the broad Shadew River are not far off either. The Ithatian Language is spoken throughout the isles, in the Shadevan Delta and in Ebinóë (Ebinóëse Ithatian) on the Ambrinquan Main.
See Also
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