Pallathantic Sea

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The fame of the Pallathantic Sea has given its name to the region and the lands which its waves wash. The goddess Pallatha is the sea's namesake and she is credited with guiding the ancient Pallathantic Tribes to settle its islands thousands of years ago. The Pallathantic Sea is formed between the subcontinent of Pytharnia to the north and the minor continent of Danona and the lands of Throvy and Corundy to the south. There are over a hundred islands in the Pallathantic Sea, the greatest of which are Nymentho and Erechóreb. The sea has a great moderating effect on the lands and island that touch it and magdeologers believe that the sea is the means by which warm water from near the equator is brought north.

Map of the Pallathantic Sea

There are numerous little seas in the Pallathantic Sea: the Yophenthean Sea, the Golden Sea, the Giants Sea, the Siulian Sea, the Sea of the Dead, the Bastards Sea, the Fecund Sea, the Sea of Asbardy, the Maturnian Sea, the Corundian Sea, the Sea of Forgetfulness, Asgion's Sea, the Addanine Sea, the Sea of Magdaia, the Gonfalese Sea, and the Bay of Sealgo.

The greatest islands of the Pallathantic are, in order, Nymentho, Erechóreb, Deliops, Maturn, Kumeikë, Gliri, Desthor, Stroultë, and Zander.

The sea traffic of the Pallathantic is immense and its commercial value cannot be overstated. By means of the sail and the oar, the Pallathantic Sea joins western Asdauria to Pytharnia, Pytharnia to Corundy, Ambrinqua to Pytharnia. The sea communicates with the Pytharnian Sea to the north and the Memnosian Sea to the south. The Pallathantic Sea affords access to the Mathareusan Sea to the west. For this reason, this Sea has been fought over for centuries. The modern nations of the Pallathantic observe treaties to ensure the fair use of its waterways and resources. Sea piracy is uncommon in the eastern Pallathantic and there are few finer ways of taking a holiday than exploring the many coast cities and towns of the Pallathantic by yacht.

The western Pallathantic is the home of Nymentho and Erechóreb. Its waters are deeper and can become quite choppy in inclement weather. Sea Piracy was not unknown here, especially from the coves and inlets of northern Danona. Despite these dangers, many great ships ply its waters with trade and passengers.

Geographic Extent

Trade Routes of the Pallathantic


The merfolk have several undersea cities in the central to western Pallathantic Sea. The greatest of these is Siul, ruled by the goddess Dáwan and her coterie of mermen. Naquir and Geddi are also very populous and important. These cities rest on high sea mounts or in the case of Geddi, on the continental shelf of Danona.


See Also

List of the Continents and Regions of Old World Asdar
Antarctica Asdauria Barathorn and Orrhymby Danona Pallathantic Sea Pytharnia Sungo and Gwo-Dao Two Bahunas
Antarctic Continent Proper


Dravernian Peninsula
Glaike Peninsula
Jebo Island


North Orrhymby
Green Coast of Danona
Wild Coast of Danona
Danonan Deserts
Massady Geth Mountains
Giant Isles
Golden Isles
Ithatian Islands

Major Isles

Thykomian Islands

Major Isles

Minor Isles

Pallathantic Coast

High Pytharnia
Southeast Pytharnia
West Coast



New Pytharnia
Old Zephasia
Shadrimporee Archipelago
Wild Dracks
Tiludzu Plateau
Great Yameed Desert
Jahbaba Phût
Sh'am Phût
Sh'amkhaz Mountains
Abchuepi Desert
Govimbu Forest
Hadzingwe Peninsula
Jangwe Zanyo
Khuluhu Desert
Taliospa Island

What follows is an incomplete listing of islands in the Pallathantic Sea. The first ten are intended to be in order of surface area.

  Name Image Country Population Capital or Chief City
1 Nymentho [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] 1,107,000 Ophia, Selexis
2 Erechóreb [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Rhafyx, Yophénthë
3 Deliops [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Elystrio
4 Kumeikenot [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Kumeikë
5 Maturn [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Gnousikai
6 Gliri [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Istokkos
7 Zander [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Bardi
8 Desthor [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Desthorion
9 Stroultë [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Galdimonton
10 Ganter [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Gantron
# Bryso [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Oppor [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Gallisto [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Lygdanot [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Lygdania
# Imomólë [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Magdë
# Erethrob [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Chmias
# Irdan [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Kadonteia
# Trias [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Xambë
# Thulidnot [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Iadogos
# Bomelath [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Deirakene
# Amelkas [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Amirte
# Ardné [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Zeptril
# Sandisi [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Neskor
# Sprander [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Spranderthonia
# Sigully [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Steke
# Fese [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Ismew
# Psulinth [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Kepher [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Sulmatta [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Kelkoth [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Menctuthir
# Three [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Thamocray
# Thisgrundi [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Umbylot [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x Sondraver
# Pheden [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Firrafferse [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Camprotrude [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Thistro [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Pheidannokite [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City
# Island [[File:|100px]] [[File:|100px]] x City